Inference/Implied Main Idea
Context Clues
Summary and Outline

1. About 65 million years ago, the last dinosaurs vanished in a mass extinction which coincided with a direct hit by an asteroid the size of Mount Everest.

The primary purpose of this passage is to

a. inform.

b. persuade.

c. entertain.

a. inform.


Select the 2 most logical inferences. 

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

___ E. It’s better to succeed immediately than to succeed after long effort.

___ F. It’s shameful to fail.

___ G. People have the most respect for those who overcome obstacles.

___ H. It’s important to keep trying.

College Reading Essentials, Inferences, Level 8, Test B. Questions 5-6

G & H


What does the root "fer" mean in the word "transfer"?

A. Write
B. Carry
C. Build
D. Speak

B. Carry


The geologist discovered a new type of mineral during his expedition. Based on the context, what does the word "geologist" mean?

A. A person who studies the Earth's physical structure
B. A person who studies weather patterns
C. A person who studies ancient cultures
D. A person who studies oceans

A. A person who studies the Earth's physical structure


1.M         2.      Ev         3. A         4.A                 5.L


A boy once caught a sunfish that was a little bigger than the goldfish that were already in his fishtank. He thought about keeping the sunfish, but he wasn't sure how it would turn out, so he asked a zooloogist, who said, "No, it'll kill all of your goldfish within a day."

The boy solved this dilema using what type of evidence?

Expert opinion.


Which word means "the origin or mode of formation of something"?

A. Generation
B. Genetics
C. General
D. Genesis

D. Genesis


Despite the chaotic environment, the surgeon performed the operation meticulously, ensuring every step was executed with precision. Based on the context, what does the word "meticulously" mean?

A. Hastily and carelessly
B. Quickly and efficiently
C. Carefully and precisely
D. Reluctantly and slowly

C. Carefully and precisely


Support the statement that beef is better than pork with a piece of anecdotal evidence. It may be made up.

Answers vary


Select the two most logical inferences.

A child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be lit.


A. Children are too wild to be able to learn very much.

B. When educating children, the desires and interests of children should be addressed.

C. Teachers should spark children’s interest in learning, not fill them with facts.

D. Children must be forced to learn things.

Infer Test A, 10 Steps to Mastery p.77 questions 9-10


Which of the following terms describes a graphic representation of the relations between certain quantities, plotted with reference to a set of axes?

A. Autograph
B. Bibliography
C. Cartography
D. Graph

D. Graph


The anthropologist's monograph on indigenous cultures provided new insights into their social structures and rituals. Based on the context, what does the word "monograph" mean?

A. A collection of short stories
B. A detailed written study of a single specialized subject
C. A compilation of photographs
D. A journal entry

B. A detailed written study of a single specialized subject


A. Digital technology has made it possible to connect with others instantly and has made information more accessible.


Which word, containing the suffix "ile," means "easily molded or shaped"?

A. Agile
B. Ductile
C. Juvenile
D. Fertile

B. Ductile


The contortionist amazed the audience with her extraordinary flexibility, performing feats that seemed almost impossible for the human body. Based on the context, what does the word "contortionist" mean? 

A. A person who performs magic tricks
B. A person who trains animals
C. A person who twists and bends their body into unusual shapes
D. A person who dances gracefully

C. A person who twists and bends their body into unusual shapes

  1. Main                                                            

  1.  Major                                                              

  1.    Minor                                                            

4.     Minor    


1:I         2:E         3:P 

4:E        5:P          6:I


What does the prefix "intra" signify in the word "intramural"?

A. Across
B. Between
C. Within
D. Around

C. Within


The protagonist's altruism was evident when she donated her entire inheritance to the orphanage, exemplifying her selfless concern for the well-being of others. Based on the context, what does the word "altruism" mean?

Options: A. Greed and self-interest
B. Apathy towards others
C. Selfless concern for the well-being of others
D. Desire for fame

C. Selfless concern for the well-being of others


B. Climate change poses significant challenges to global agriculture, leading to disrupted crop yields and increased pest and disease threats, prompting farmers to adopt new techniques and seek support from governments and international organizations.
