Is smiling at someone when they walk by kind?
What day is Valentines day in 2024?
Give the day of the week, month, and year
Wednesday February 14th, 2024
Valentines day is celebrated on February 4th?
Valentines Day is celebrated on February 14th
What chocolate covered fruit is a popular Valentines Day treat?
Most popular flower on Valentine's Day
What should you do if you see others arguing?
Go ask or look for help
What colors are associated with Valentines Day?
Red, White, & Pink
Valentine refers to someone you love?
What is the most popular Valentines Day candy?
Conversation Hearts
Chubby figure with an arrow who represents love
Someone walks into a stranger and then shouts
"watch out!"
Was this a kind response?
What is the most popular Valentines tradition?
Giving chocolates and roses?
People go door to door asking for Valentines Day
Name this dessert
Valentines Day Cake
Heart Cake
Most popular candy to give on Valentine's Day
True or False:
If someone is crying you should ask them if they are ok?
Even if you ask someone if they are ok they may still ask you to leave them alone and that is ok too.
Why was Valetines Day originally created?
To celebrate religious figures with a grand feast
People like to watch scary movies for Valentines day
Usually people like to watch Romantic or Comedy movies for Valentines Day
True or False:
Fruit cake is a common Valentines Day treat?
Fruit cake is more commonly given out for Christmas
Most couples go where to celebrate Valentine's Day?
Out to dinner
True or False:
Its unkind to gratefully accept a present you don't like but then privately exchange it for something else?
If you accept the gift gratefully that is kind even if you later exchange it for something else.
When did Valentines become a holiday celebrating love?
In the 14th century
School Teachers receive the most Valentines Day cards
What kind of restaurant is the most popular during Valentines Day?
Some people express their feelings through sending this to their valentine.
Valentines Day Cards