The most effective method of birth control.
What is absence?
This medication is used to thin the cervix.
What is Cytotec?
You are educating your patient about postpartum bleed. She should notify you if she discharges a clot larger than a ________.
What is a golf ball or egg?
This is the best kind of feeding.
What is fed?
When the baby lies sideways across the uterus, it’s referred to as this.
What is transverse lie?
A patient is commonly treated with ________ to prevent seizures in preeclampsia.
What are seizures?
The nurse is observing an NST. While watching, the nurse notices an early deceleration.
What is head compression?
The patient states "The doctor cut me down there because the baby got stuck. It's going to take forever to heal."
What is an episiotomy?
Upon assessing baby girl, you notice she is very jittery. _________ is your first intervention.
What is a blood sugar?
The gynecoid pelvis is considered the most favorable for this.
What is vaginal delivery?
In managing a patient diagnosed with placenta previa, the nurse recognizes that this intervention is contraindicated due to the risk of hemorrhage
What is performing a digital vaginal exam?
Baby is born and not crying. __________ and __________ are the nurse's job.
You are doing a fundal check on the patient. You notice the uterus is to the right of the umbilicus. _______________ causes this.
What is a full bladder?
The baby is retracting and breathing at 78 breaths per minute. Your next action is...
During pregnancy, this hormone is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining and preventing contractions in early gestation.
What is progesterone?
In a patient with gestational diabetes, the nurse knows that this is the primary mechanism behind fetal macrosomia.
What is increased fetal insulin production in response to maternal hyperglycemia?
The third stage of labor involves the delivery of this, and the nurse closely monitors for these two complications.
What is the placenta, and what are hemorrhage and retained placental fragments?
In the case of postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine atony, the nurse anticipates administering this first-line medication and performing this immediate non-pharmacological intervention
What are oxytocin (Pitocin) and uterine fundal massage?
______________- is required if you want your baby boy to have a circumcision.
What is Vitamin K?
In the GTPAL system, how would you document a woman currently pregnant with twins who has had one term delivery, one preterm delivery of a singleton, and one spontaneous abortion, with all children still living?
What is G4 T1 P1 A1 L3?
A patient with preeclampsia with severe features is receiving magnesium sulfate. The nurse notes a respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute, absent deep tendon reflexes, and a urine output of 20 mL/hour. The next nursing action is this.
What is discontinuing the magnesium sulfate infusion and administering calcium gluconate as the antidote?
What is an FSE?
_____________ is filled with vitamins, minerals, and proteins, which is high in calories for baby. ________ can help promote the production of this.
What is colostrum and skin to skin?
The baby's dad asks "What's all in the umbilical cord and what does it do?"
What are 2 veins and 1 artery? 2 veins carry O2 and nutrients to baby while the artery carries waste away from baby.