Goal Writing/assessment
Cognition and RHS

looking at the functional result we want to achieve 

What is long-term goal?


auditory comprehension , verbal expression, and reading and writing 

what are the areas of aphasia assessment ?


attention, memory, executive functioning, orientation, visuospatial skills, awareness of deficits, thought organization, and new learning 

what are areas of assessment for cognition 

to determine speech, language, cognitive-communication, swallowing, and audiologic strengths and needs

what is the purpose of a comprehensive TBI assessment?


work in collaboration to allow them to spend time doing what they choose to do, use preserved abilities, modify environment, educate support staff, and involve families

what is the SLP's role in dementia care? 


you should describe what a goal is and explain the process, use info from assessment to utilize their strengths, make use of compensatory strategies, and talk to family/friends or use questionnaires

How would you include someone with aphasia or severe cognitive impairment in your goal setting?

impairment- based assessments, patient-reported outcomes, and analysis of facilitating or impeding behaviors 

what are the 3 types of aphasia assessment? 

attention, memory, impulsivity, visuospatial, executive functioning, problem solving/reasoning, and judgement and safety

what are areas of assessment for RHS?


impairments of body functions and structure, limitations in activities and participation, contextual factors, and impact of quality of life

what does a comprehensive assessment of  TBI include?

systematic observation, structured questionnaire, time-sampling, and note frequency of occurrence 

what is evaluating responsive behaviors? 


1. Get started (establish alliance, gathering info, engage and motivate)

2. Set the stage for functional change (client selects goals, tx approaches, measurement plan)

3. Making functional changes (therapy)

4. Transition to self-management (plan for discharge, evaluate outcomes)

What are the four stages of Rehabilitation? 


family support, availability of communication partners, personal motivation to return to PLOF, desire for greater communication independence, and ability and willingness to use compensatory strategies (AAC) 

what are facilitators for aphasia assessment?


functional communication struggles and successes, difficulties that impact life, and context of concern (goals)

what are the areas of "self-report" for a person with RHS?


receptive and expressive, oral and written modalities, pragmatic language skills in various contexts  (same as aphasia)

what are language assessment considerations for TBI? 


repetitive questions, delusions, refusal to change clothes, restlessness, loss of interest, and aggression

what is problem behaviors as result of memory deficits? 


-the severity of underlying neuro damage, presence of comorbid deficits, cultural and linguistic representation.

What are the most important factors for selecting assessment? 


lack of regular and willing communication partners, decreased confidence in abilities, cognitive deficits, visual and motor impairments, and other comorbid health conditions

what are barriers to aphasia assessment? 


capitalize on strengths and address weaknesses that affect communication across settings and partners; facilitate functional activities and participation (compensatory) ; modify contextual factors that serve as barriers

what are possible goal areas for RHS? 


verbal and nonverbal communication that may be affected by disruptions in cognition (same as RHS) ; attention, memory, Exec functioning, impulsivity, visuospatial, judgement and safety, problem solving

what are cognitive-communication assessment considerations for TBI?


show intent to communicate, demonstrate cognitive-linguistic strengths, respond to cues, and follow simple directions, exhibit significant/ recent change

how to determine if someone with dementia is appropriate for therapy ?


Focus on the person, life participation, and strengths; mindful of perspectives, collaborate, attend to cultural/linguistic differences...

What are some of the best practices in assessment of neurogenic language disorders?  


restoring lost language, strengthening intact skills, compensating for impairments by teaching strategies, training/educating caregivers and those involved, and facilitating generalization 

What are possible tx goals for aphasia? 


may be a mix of restorative or compensatory training 

what are possible goal considerations for TBI? 


caregiver training, compensatory strategy training, environmental modification, and decreased negative behaviors

what are possible goals for dementia? 
