One of the most widely used interest inventories
What is the Strong Interest Inventory?
What inventories are used for career exploration and decision making?
What is Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and WorkKeys?
What 3 programs does the KCPS include?
What is Kuder Galaxy, Kuder Navigator and Kuder Journey?
The only people who should administer a career assessment.
What is a professional/counselor?
This groups nontraditional interests were dismissed and deemed inappropriate during career assessments in the 1960's.
What are women?
These scales are considered work style preferences:
What is Dominant Leadership, Job Security and Stamina?
Which inventory is used with the Strong Interest Inventory?
What is the Skills Confidence Inventory?
This 19 item instrument has been found to be useful in assessing clients’ progress in the decision-making process or in identifying difficulties clients may be experiencing in making a career decision.
A big concern for the use of internet-based career assessment surveys and questionaries.
Gender-role stereotypes, obstacles in educational systems, lack of role models, and the "null environment" are all examples of these types of barriers that are most commonly found when assessing career factors in women.
What are external barriers?
This assessment focuses on careers that require two or fewer years of postsecondary training
What is Career Assessment Inventory?
With this method, they found that adolescents tend to over estimate their abilities?
What is Self-Estimates of Abilities?
Extent to which the individual has mastered the vocational tasks, including both knowledge and attitudinal components, appropriate to his or her stage of career development”
What is career maturity?
All online-based instruments should contain these two types of data.
What is reliability and validity?
These less-structured assessments can more easily incorporate discussion of gender and cultural issues.
What are value clarification exercises?
Which inventory is more appropriate for clients that may have an issue with reading?
What is the Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test-Second Edition?
What are the six work values in the MIQ?
What is Achievement, Altruism, Autonomy, Comfort, Safety and Status?
A multidimensional construct that characterizes an individual’s psychosocial readiness and resources for coping with current and imminent vocational development tasks, occupational transitions, and work traumas
What is career adaptability?
Interventions that are not particularly effective and significantly less effective than those involving a counselor?
What is counselor-free career interventions?
The event to which variables such as worldview, cultural identity, communication style, and decision-making preferences are addressed in the assessment process.
What is cultural specificity?
The RIASEC model stands for?
What is Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional?
What will compare variables with each other without reference to whether the client's values in that area are high or low as compared with values of other people
What is ipsative interpretation?
Assessment that emphasizes a holistic study of the individual by using measure such as interests, abilities, and personalities.
What is the Qualitative Career Assessment?
Most online-based career assessments lack this information, making the assessments useless and could potentially harm an individual.
What is psychometric information?
Addresses the concept of whether instruments that have been developed primarily from a Eurocentric perspective can be used with clients from other cultural backgrounds.
What is cultural validity?