Microsystem Skills
Theories & Models
Mezzosystem Skills
Macrosystem Skills

This assessment tool involves constructing a metric for the client to rank themselves between two opposites and hopefully see change over time.

What is a Self-Anchored Scale?


This model of assessment involves identifying and grouping major medical history, mental health history, and history of working with others

What is the Biopsychosocial Assessment?


This assessment tool involves organizing the names of family members by their relationships to each other and sometimes adding symbols to help identify patterns.

What is a Family Genogram?


The Columbia Rating Scale, SAD PERSONS scale, and SAFE-T tool are all standardized assessment tools that measure this.

What is suicide risk?


This assessment method involves bringing a small group of community members together and asking them specific questions to solicit feedback.

What is a Focus Group?


This type of interview involves asking questions to explore specific topic areas

What is the semi-structured interview?


This theory proposes that the way we relate to others as adults is developed early in childhood based on our interactions with our primary caregiver.

What is Attachment Theory?


This group assessment function examines the motivation among participants and how engaged, apathetic, or hostile they are to each other and the group as a whole

What is group cohesion?


A social worker's clinical summary of the presenting problem, diagnosis, and client's needs would all fall into this section of the SOAP note

What is the Assessment section?


This organizational assessment tool involves analyzing an organizations internal strengths and weaknesses and it's external opportunities and threats.

What is a SWOT Analysis?


This type of assessment relies on non-calculable data such as pictures, artwork, and observations

What is qualitative assessment?


This organizational theory posits that the average human dislikes work and must be coerced, controlled, and threatened with negative consequences to do work

What is theory X?


This assessment method involves watching a parent and child interact and listening to their communication patterns.

What is dyadic/direct behavioral observation?


This ability allows the social worker to step back and review or critique what the social worker is doing as he/she/they are doing it (and is critical for ethical practice)

What is reflective practice?


This community assessment tool involves identifying the resources within a community and labeling them on a map.

What is Asset Mapping?


This assessment tool has been psychometrically vetted for it's reliability and validity prior to use.

What is a Standardized Measure?


This model encourages practitioners to practice with other cultures from a place of curiosity, mutual respect, and beneficence with emphasis placed on clients for their perspective and opinions.

What is cultural humility?


This pattern of family communication develops when two people unite against a third.

What is a triangle?


This theory of practice involves working constructively with the client on building from the skills, resources, and assets that the client already possesses.

What is the Strengths Theory?


This community assessment tool involves driving through a community and making observations.

What is a windshield survey?


This laborious assessment tool involves transcribing a client interaction and then analyzing each component of the interaction.

What is a process recording?


This theory focuses on assessing feedback loops that develop and how they may be enforcing or impeding progress

What is Systems Theory?


This method of assessment of a couples' communication involves listening for language that attacks, withdraws, or attempts to reach to repair the relationship.

What is the WARN-ing System?


Social Work assessments are always both of these (hint, they both start with the letter P).

What is a process and a product?


This organizational assessment tool frames the organization's aims into goals, input, outputs, and outcomes.

What is a logic model?
