General Terms
Testing, Testing, 123
Reliable and Valid

A global term for observing, collecting, recording, and interpreting information to answer questions and make legal and instructional decisions about students.

What is "Assessment".


A federal law that focuses on the education of children and youth with disabilities and mandates specific requirements relating to the assessment process that teachers and test examiners must know and understand.

What is "IDEA"


Both an intervention process and a prereferral process in special education.

What is "Response to intervention (RTI)".


A test that compares a student’s test performance with that of similar students who have taken the test.

What is a "Norm Referenced Test"


The extent to which two or more scores vary together.

What is "Correlation"


A lag in one or more of the following areas of development: physical, including fine and gross motor; cognitive; communications; social or emotional; or adaptive development.

What is "Developmental Delay"


A federal law that created many changes with the goal of improving academic performance for all students. This act stressed accountability through scientifically based research practices and regular and ongoing assessment of student progress.

What is "No Child Left Behind Act"


This written plan specifies the special education and related services that must be provided.

What is an "IEP"


Compare student performance with respect to a specific domain.

What is "Criterion Referenced Test"


The extent that test scores obtained on one test or another measure are related to scores obtained on another test or another outcome.

What is "Criterion-Related Validity"


Changes or adaptations made to the educational program or assessment that alter the level, content, and or assessment criteria.

What are "Modifications"


This law states that no educational agency may release student information without written consent from the student’s parents and gives the family the right to review all records kept on the child as well as the right to challenge any of the information within the records.

What is "FERPA" (The Family Rights and Privacy Act P.L. 93-380)


A framework that helps educators provide academic and behavioral strategies for students with various needs by taking a proactive approach to identifying their needs.

What is MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support)

The most commonly occurring value in the data list, The average test score attained by adding all the scores together and dividing by the total number,  and the centerpoint of the data sample, in that order.

What are "Mode, Mean, Median"


An estimate of the correlation between scores when the same test is administered two times.

What is "Test-Retest Reliability"


Changes to the education program and assessment procedures and materials that do not substantially alter the instructional level, the content of the curriculum, or the assessment criteria.

What are "Accomodations"

Offered new grants to districts serving low-income students, federal grants for textbooks and library books, funding for special education centers, and scholarships for low-income college students. Additionally, the law provided federal grants to state educational agencies to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education.

What is "Elementary and Secondary Education Act"


A set of academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.

What is "Common Core Curriculum"


Scores based entirely on the number of questions a test-taker got right or wrong

What are "Raw Scores"

The amount of error associated with individual test scores, test items, item samples, and test times.

What is "Standard Error of Measurement"

Information about a student should be shared only with those professionals who maintain a legitimate interest in the information and with whom parent has consented to share information.

What is "Confidentiality"


Most Recent re-authorization of NCLB, established specific qualifications of the "Highly Qualified" teachers in the NCLB, as well as many other refinements.

What is "ESSA" (Every Student Succeeds Act)

A coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an outcome-orientated process, that promotes movement from school to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, and community participation.

What is "Transition Services"


An estimate of the extent to which two or more scorers, observers, or raters agree on how a test should be scored or behaviors should be observed.

What is "Interscorer/interrater/interobserver reliability"


What is "Correlation Coefficient"
