Who is good at finding people that are lost?
A rescue dog is good at finding people that are lost.
Where are Diana and Arachne in scene one?
They are in Athens, Greece.
What did Lovell dream of being when he was a boy?
He dreamed of being a pilot.
What do rescue dogs listen well to?
They listen well to commands.
What do people think about Arachne's cloth.
They think her cloth is beautiful.
Why couldn't Lovell go to college to study astronomy?
He couldn't afford to go to college.
How long does it take to train a rescue dog?
It takes up to 2 years to train a rescue dog.
According to some people, how did Arachne learn her weaving skill?
They think she learned it from Athena.
What happened to the spacecraft two days after leaving Earth?
One of its oxygen tanks exploded.
What must the rescue dog and people do as a team?
They must learn to communicate with each other.
Why did Athena punish Arachne?
Athena didn't like Arachne's cloth because it was filled with pictures of the gods being unkind.
What did the team use to build their invention?
They used plastic bags, cardboard, and tape.
What is the author's purpose?
What lesson did Arachne learn?
She learned that bragging and too much pride can lead to trouble.
What did Lovell learn from the Apollo 13 mission?
He learned that people should work together.