Timed subtests
What are Sentence Reading Fluency and Math Facts Fluency
Subtest that captures sight-word recognition
Letter-word identification
Tests you need the response booklet for
Spelling, calculation, sentence reading fluency, math facts fluency
What is Woodcock Johnson
Qualitative details for each subtest that can help one learn to focus on relevant performance details is found here
What are the subtest qualitative observation guides
Time limit for Math Facts Fluency
3 minutes
Subtest that captures contextualized math skills
Applied problems
Age range for the WJ-IV
What is Age Equivalent
Answers that may not get at "best" performance and may reflect low effort and/or anxiety
Multiple "Don't know" responses and/or skipped items
Subtests without basal and ceiling (3 subtests)
What are Oral Reading, Sentence Reading Fluency, Math Facts Fluency
Math domain subtest that best captures careless errors
Math facts fluency
With the subtest raw score, one can get a "quick and dirty" sense of whether the client is more or less performing as expected using these
What are the Age and Grade equivalency scores
What is Grade Equivalent
Sentence Reading Fluency and Math Facts Fluency error analysis
When should you examine total number of errors compared to total number answered to test for speed/accuracy trade off?
Tests 1 Letter-Word, 3 Spelling, 4 Passage Comprehension, 5 Calculation and 7 Word Attack use this as criteria for reaching ceiling
What is 6 incorrect responses in a row
Subtest that captures reading rate
Sentence reading fluency
Number of subtests in reading domain (bonus to name them)
5 (letter-word, passage comprehension, word attack, oral reading, sentence reading fluency)
Letter Word Identification
Listening to reading fluency as a measure of overall quality of reading is best determined by this subtest
What is Oral Reading
Test with score options of 0, 1, or 2
Oral reading
What word attack captures
Ability to apply phonemic skills to nonsense words
“First read the word silently and then say the word smoothly” is given only once per subtest and when this occurs
What is the prompt to give after a client reads the word phoneme by phoneme rather than fluently
SLD (315.0, 315.1)
Specific Learning Disorder
315.0 with impairment in reading
315.1 with impairment in mathematics
Whole word substitution errors on Letter Word Identification suggest you consider this
Whether possibly using a visual memory approach to reading rather than phonemic decoding