Adult Assessments - Mental Health / Motor / Cognition
Adult Assessments - TBI / Neurodegenerative / General Cognition
Peds Assessments
Peds Assessments Cont...
Allen Cognitive Levels


Milwaukee Evaluation of Daily Living Skills 

- 18 yrs + who have chronic mental illness and who have resided, for at least 6 months in a psychiatric hospital, halfway house, group home, or skilled nursing facility (is now used with other populations). Assessment of actual or simulated performance of basic living skills needed to function in their expected environment. 



Stand for? Ages? What does it assess?Standardized?Anything unique?

- Assessment of Motor Process Skills, age 2 yr+, ADL/IADL difficult, you have to specially trained in order to administer, it is a standardized observational assessment


FIRST STEP Screening Tool

2 yrs  9 mos (preschoolers)

Determines a need for comprehensive evaluation, 5 areas = cognition, communication, physical, social and emotional, adaptive. *Table top activities as well as gross motor activities. 



DTVP - 2

Developmental Test of Visual Perception

Age: 4-10 yrs

Focus: visual perception, student has to point to select shapes and forms 

Purpose: assesses figure ground, visual closures, and form constancy 

Standardized, norm referenced


Level 5 & 6

(5) Exploratory Actions: Characterized by overt trial-and-error problem-solving. New learning occurs. This may be the usual level of functioning for 20% of the population. 

(6) Planned Actions: Characterized by the absence of disability. The person can think of hypothetical situations and do mental trial-and-error problem solving. 



Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills 

Originally for adolescents and adults in acute psychiatric hospitals, now expanded to older adults and those with a diversity of diagnosis, determines an individual's knowledge and/or performance of 17 basic living skills needed to live independently. 


Klein- Bell ADL Scale 

Age / population, what does it assess, what is unique about this assessment, what type of test?

6 months + with physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and or developmental diagnosis, assesses ADL's as well as a behavioral component,

*I'm not sure if this is standardized....It's not in the book, I'll have to come back to it


Miller Assessment for Preschooler

2 yr 9 mos - 5 yr 8 mos

Focus: sensory, motor, and cognitive abilities

Purpose: evaluate mile to mod. developmental delays




Motor Free Perceptual Test

Ages: 4yrs-70yrs

Focus: spatial relationship, visual discrimination, figure ground, visual closure, visual memory

Standardized, norm-referenced 


Level 4 

Goal Directed Actions: characterized by the ability to carry simple tasks through to completion. The individual relies heavily on visual cues. They may be able to perform established routines but cannot cope with unexpected events.


Purdue Peg Board 

Bonus: Why is it preferred over the Nine Hole Peg Test. 

Test of fingertip dexterity and assembly job simulation. 

Scoring: thirty second test is the number of pins placed in the board in 30 seconds. Assembly is the number parts assembled during one minute. 

You can use this with someone who has MS, can you think of any other diagnosis?

It is preferred over the Nine Hole Peg Test because it is unilateral and bilateral, and more reliable. 


-Observes BADL's and functional mobility before and after chronic illness. Adults and elders with a disability or illness.

- Maximum score is 100 and reflects an individuals ability to do all 10 tasks independently. Standardized....????

Barthel Index 



Miller Function & Participation

Age: 2 yrs 6 mo - 7 yrs 11 mo

Focus: visual motor, FM, GM, participation

Includes hopping, jumping, skipping. *It measures functional tasks needed to participate in classroom. 



Test of Visual Perceptual Skills 

Age: 4yrs - 18 yrs

Focus: Spatial relations, form constancy, figure ground, etc


Level 3

Manual Actions: characterized by beginning to use hands to manipulate objects. The individual may be able to perform a limited number of tasks with long-term repetitive training. 


Jebson-Taylor Hand Function Test

Test of hand function. 

Seven subtests: writing, simulated page turning, picking up common objects, simulated feeding, stacking, picking up large light objects.

What population can this be used with?


Functional Independence Measure System 

Wee Functional Independence Measure System


FIM = Adults, WeeFIM = Children from ages 6 mos. - 7 yrs old, assess the severity of disability by observing what the individual actually does and the amount of assistance needed in order for the individual to complete the task. 



Bruininks-Ostertsky Test of Motor Proficency

Ages: 4-7

Focus: Speed, duration and accuracy of performance strength, fine manual control, manual/body coordination

Standardized, norm referenced



Test of Visual Motor Skills 

Ages: 3-13 y/o

Focus: specific for motor skills/eye-hand coordination 

*Standardized / Norm referenced


Level 2

Postural Actions: characterized by movement that is associated with comfort. There is some awareness of large objects in the environment, and the individual may assist the caregivers with simple tasks. 



Montreal Cognitive Assessment

- A screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction

- Assesses attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skill, conceptual thinking, and orientation

- Total possible points is 30, as score of 26 or above is considered normal. 



Routine Task Inventory

- Adults and elders with cognitive impairments, ADL/IADL, measures an individuals cognitive impairment according to Allen Cognitive Levels 


Beery-Buktenica Development Test of Visual Motor Integration


Age: 2 - 100

Focus: visual motor integration, visual perception, motor coordination

Purpose: Integration of motor and visual skills 

Standardize, non-verbal, culture free



Sensory Processing Measure Pre-School / Sensory Processing Measure

Age: Pre-school (2-5yrs), Elementary (5-12yrs)

Home, Classroom, and School environment Form

Focus: Sensory processing, social participation, and praxis

Level 1

Automatic Actions: characterized by automatic motor responses and changes in the autonomic nervous system. Conscious response to the external environment is minimal. 
