Mean is...
...the arithmetic average of the scores. It is calculated by adding the scores together and dividing by the number in the group
A client contact hour
A 50 minute period a counselor or therapist spends working with an individual, family or group.
Concerns what an instrument measures and how well it does so.
A structured interview
established set of questions asked in same manner and sequence to each client
group identity, individual identity, beliefs, values, and language
Mode is...
...the most frequent score in a distribution
A temporary license is valid for
3 years
In Y' = a + bX, what is a?
An unstructured interview
counselor has idea of possible items but conducts interview in a unique manner depending on the client's needs.
belief systems and value orientation, including customs, norms, practices, and social institutions.
Standard deviation is...
...the most common statistic used to describe the variability of a set of measurement. It is the square root of the variance.
The NBCC is
National Board for Certified Counselors and may be referred to as the “testing agency”.
Reliability is a prerequisite for...
A semi-unstructured interview
Slope bias
when an instrument yields validity coefficients that are significantly different for two or more groups
Raw score is...
...the adjusted scores on an instrument before they are transformed into standard scores.
An approved supervisor must... a currently Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Psychologist with Health Service Provider designation, Licensed Senior Psychological Examiner, or Licensed Psychiatrist, who has been licensed at least five (5) years and who takes responsibility for the practice of the supervisee during a specific time to enable the supervisee to meet the requirements of licensing. If the supervisor is a Licensed Professional Counselor who is supervising a candidate for Licensed Professional Counselor with Mental Health Service Provider designation, the supervisor must have the Mental Health Service Provider designation
Multitrait-multimethod matrix examines...
...relationships between instrument and traits that are theoretically related and unrelated to it.
Adolescent suicide is the ___ leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds.
Intercept bias
even instruments with the same validity coefficient can predict different criterion scores for members of different groups with the same score.
Coefficient determination is...
...the estimate of the percent of shared variance between two sets of variables that have been correlated. The coefficient of determination (r2) is calculated by squaring the correlation coefficient.
Each person registered with the Board must complete ___ clock hours of continuing education every ___ calendar years.
2; 20
Correlational method examines...
...relationship between instrument and criterion or other pertinent variables.
4 step process of assessing potential violence
Ideation, planning, acquisition, implementation
Standards for multicultural assessments
Recognize the importance of social justice advocacy; integrate understanding of age, gender, ability, race, ethnic group, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, linguistic backgrounds, and other personal characteristics in order to provide appropriate assessment and diagnostic techniques. Select assessments and diagnostic techniques that are appropriate and effective for diverse client populations.