Nursing Role
What is the purpose

You have a new admission patients, what are priorities?

What is:

Complete and assessment, collect data, determine mobility, check for impairments, provide any helpful info to keep them safe


Avoid smoking, Avoid wool and synthetic clothing, Check the oxygen tank periodically, and be sure to keep o2 away from flames and heat sources.

What is:

O2 safety


Barriers to learning

(Must provide 3 different examples not in the same category)

What is:

  • Fear, anxiety, depression
  • Physical discomfort, pain, fatigue
  • Environmental distractions
  • Sensory and perceptual deficits
  • Psychomotor deficits

Information that comes from the patient in regards to opinions, perceptions or experiences...

What is:

Subjective data


Documentation is essential because...

What is:

It is a clear line of communications for all health care personnel caring for that patient. 


You find a patient unconscious, your first steps.

What is:

Collect data... Check for injuries and obtain vitals


When you have a patient on droplet precautions, what is important nursing safety?

What is:

Wear a mask when providing care withing 3 feet of the patient and ensure they wear a mask if they leave their room.


Cognitive Learning

What is:

Intellectual behaviors and focuses on thinking. It involves the following cognitive behaviors: remembering (learning and recalling the new information), understanding (comprehending the new information), applying (using the new information in a concrete way), analyzing (organizing the new information), creating (using the knowledge for a new outcome), and evaluating (determining the effectiveness of learning the new information).


The best way to evaluate the function of the third cranial nerve.

What is: 

Observe the client’s extraocular eye movements by performing the 6 Cardinal Gazes


Explain the S in SBAR

What is:

The situation - Identifying who you are, who you are calling about and the why


There's a patient with history of falls going home, the nursing priorities are what?

What is:

Remove throw rugs, use of nightlights, keep assistive walking devices on side nearest to pt, bath seats in the shower, and rails in the bathtub


Primary prevention

What is:

Actions in place for the prevention of an illness, to protect against infections and diseases


Affective Learning

Explain and give an example

What is:

Involves feelings, beliefs, and values. Hearing the instructor’s words, responding verbally and nonverbally, valuing the content, or believing that it is worth learning, creating a method for identifying values and resolving differences, and employing values consistently in decision-making are all characteristics of affective learning.


What is the importance of ROM

What is:

To reduce the hazards of immobility (contractures, loss of muscle mass, thrombosis). A client who is weak might need the nurse to support her extremities during movement (passive ROM). During active ROM, the client is doing the movement with little to no assistance 


Explain the B in SBAR

What is:

 The background - Very important and pertinent info that further explains the situation regarding said patient


You have a patient who is having respiratory distress, what are the first immediate signs?

What is:

Cyanosis, the nurse should first monitor the client’s lips, oral mucosa, and nail beds for manifestations of cyanosis because cyanosis is most evident in areas with minimal pigmentation. 


This scale is used to assists in identifying deterioration in mental status and brain damage which are findings associated with cognitive disorders. 

What is:

The Mini Mental State Examination


Psychomotor Learning

Explain and give an example

What is:

Gaining skills that require mental and physical activity, through an action. 

Ex. - Return demonstration


Ignoring a patient's rights and desire to refuse treatment, preventing a discharge out of a facility

What is:

False imprisonment


Explain the A in SBAR

What is:

The assessment - what information has been collected already, vitals, lab work, etc.


Health promotion screenings (test) specifically for women.

(One and give detailed information about that screening)

What is:

Cervical cancer screening: Ages 21 to 65 years: Papanicolaou test (Pap smear) every 3 years; at age 30, can decrease Pap screening to every 5 years if human papilloma virus screening performed as well. After age 65, no testing is needed if previous testing was normal and not high risk for cervical cancer.

Breast cancer screening: Clients ages 40 to 44 years should have the choice to start annual mammography; ages 45-54: annual mammograms; ages 55 and older should have the choice to have a mammogram every 1 to 2 years. BSE should be completed 3-7 after menstrual cycle, typically at the same time each time.


This scale is used to assesses a person based on their ability to perform eye movements, speak, and move their body, as a reliable measure a person's level of consciousness after a brain injury. 

What is:

The Glascow Coma Scale

***Know the scale***


List 3 different types of abnormal breathing and describe them.

What is:

  • Rales. Small clicking, bubbling, or rattling sounds in the lungs. They are heard when a person breathes in (inhales). ...
  • Rhonchi. Sounds that resemble snoring. ...
  • Stridor. Wheeze-like sound heard when a person breathes. ...
  • Wheezing. High-pitched sounds produced by narrowed airways.
  • Cheyne Stokes. Atypical pattern of breathing. It consists of cycles of deep breathing followed by shallow breathing. 

What is the priority for education with nurses/client relationship

 What is:

To be an advocate and witness, educate clients with feelings of empowerment. Client education = Health promotion


Explain the R in SBAR

What is:

The recommendation - based on all the information provided, what does the nurse recommend, what needs to be done now.
