Neighborhood Scenario
General trivia
Family Support
Good Sam Trivia
A new elderly neighbor moves in next door and is looking to do laundry at the laundromat across the street. As you are hanging out in the front yard with your friends, you see them struggle with all of their clothes trying to cross the street. What do you do?
Assist them over yourself, tell your friends to help you out, carry their items over to them, etc.
Name 2 of the clubs at Good Sam
Gardening, Basketball, Book, etc.
How does going to college benefit your family?
Motivate others in your family to go to college as well and serve as a role model, financial assistance,etc.
What area code is Good Samaritan located in?
Name 2 public Safety agencies that are available to everyone in San Antonio 24/7.
San Antonio Police Dept San Antonio Fire Dept
Name 6 members of the Avengers team.
Iron-Man, Hulk, Vision, Black widow, Hawk-eye, Captain America, Quick Silver, Black panther, Spider-Man, Thor, Ant-Man, etc.
You have a younger brother or sister a year below you at school. During passing periods you overhear them talking to their friends about ditching school next period. What do you do?
Peacefully approach them and tell them that is not a good idea. Emphasize the importance of staying in school. Remind them they would get into trouble. Guide them yourself to their next class.
What is Mr.Jonathan's last name?
You are at your local McDonald's waiting to order a bunch of food for you and your friends since you got the MONEYYY. A younger child is in front you that has ordered a cookie. The cashier informs them the total is $1, however they only have .50 cents. What do you do?
Give them the extra 50 cents they need to buy the cookie.
Name 2 players on the spurs team.
K Leonard, Ginoboli, Anthony green, etc.
You are working on a project with a partner and you both want to do the first part. What should you do?
Chance - rock/paper/scissors, flip a coin to decide Compromise - find a win/win solution Take turns
Name the summer camp Good Sam students go to.
Camp Capers
You are on your way to get a pizza for you and your family. You realize you only have enough money to buy one pizza. As you walk into the pizza place you see a lady in front of you reach out for phone and accidentally drop $20 and not realize it. What do you do?
Kindly approach the lady and inform her she has dropped her money.
When does Fiesta San Antonio start?
April 20th
You are part of a reading circle group for your class. When it is time to discuss the book that you are reading, another class member keeps interrupting you and you are getting mad. What should you do?
Talk it out. Use an I message to let them know how you're feeling. "I'm feeling frustrated when you keep interrupting. I need you to let me have a chance to share my ideas too."
Name 8 Good Sam staff members.
Mr.Jonathan, Mr.Ramon,Ms.Victoria, Mr.Aulton,Mr.Marcus,Mr.Diego, Ms.Shenika,Mr.Dakota,Ms.Brenda,Ms.Justine, Mr.Jason,Ms.Angela Ms.Meredith, Ms.Ale,Ms.Marquie,
You and 5 friends are walking from the park to your house. Along the way over, you and your friends pass a couple bullies picking on a new kid on that lives in the neighborhood that is also trying to get home. What do you do?
Peacefully approach the bullies and tell them to leave the kid alone and inform them their actions are not nice. Invite the kid to join you and your friends to guide him/her to their house.
Name 3 Universities or Colleges in Texas
UTSA, St. Marys, Texas State, Texas A&M, San Antonio College, St.Philips, Palo Alto, North West Vista, UT Austin, Our Lady of the Lake,Trinity University, Incarnate Word University
You are playing a game that requires you to be divided up into teams of 2. You don't like the person you are teamed up with, but the teacher said you have to work together. What should you do?
Stop and think about how that person would feel if you complained about having to work with them. Recognize that life isn't always fair and we have to work together sometimes so just deal with it.
In what year was Good Samaritan established?