This document outlines the rules and standards staff must follow in the facility.
Employee Handbook
This tool helps caregivers safely lift and move residents
Gait belt
This type of PPE is worn on your hands to protect against germs.
Residents have the right to be treated with dignity and
If an independent living resident is experiencing a medical emergency who should you call?
Staff must maintain this when discussing residents personal or medical information
How long should you wash your hands for effective infection control?
20 seconds
You should always wear gloves when doing this for your residents
personal care
Residents have the right w/o retaliation to file a complaint or
First step in an emergency situation is to remain calm and
assess the situation
This form is used to document any unusual incident, injury or accident
Incident Report
This tool makes cleaning the dining room much easier
This PPE covers your nose and mouth to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets
Residents have the right be free from abuse, neglect, and
Where is the main gas shut off valve located?
This term describes the legal responsibility to report suspected abuse or neglect.
Mandated Reporter
This written guide outlines steps for providing specific care to residents
Service/Care plan
This is the most important step in infection control
Residents have the right to refuse what?
This plan outlines steps for natural disasters, power outages, and medical emergencies
emergency preparedness plan
Team members should do this before entering an apartment
Knock and wait
This name of the application that documents that tasks are complete at the end of shift
What is donning and doffing
putting on and removing PPE
Residents have the right to access this at any time.
What is the first step in locating a missing person?
Are they signed out?