What’s the Buzz?
Computing Machinery
Programming Essentials

Dawn of the Internet

For most job seekers, this is the ideal maximum length of a resume.

What is one page in length?


On 19 July 2024, this American cybersecurity company’s faulty software update resulted in the crash of 8.5 million computers worldwide.

What is Crowdstrike?


In 1997, this IBM computer became the first to beat a reigning world chess grandmaster in a game under standard tournament rules.

What is IBM's Deep Blue?


Named after English mathematician George Boole, this data type can take only the values true or false.

What is a boolean


This three letter acronym stands for World Wide Web

What is WWW?


When applying to different jobs, it is crucial to do this to your resume so that it matches the job description.

What is Keywords


This Social Media platform was acquired by Elon Musk for $45 billion

What is Twitter


 The 1956 IBM 350 was the first version of this PC component. It was made up of fifty 24″ disks which could hold up to 3.75MB of data.

What is a Hard Drive?


In object oriented programming, this concept describes how multiple classes can take more than one form between a variety of functions.

What is polymorphism


This S&P500 online realtor had its roots as an online bookseller when it was first founded in the year 1994

What is Amazon?


 When applying to different jobs, it is crucial to do this to your resume so that it matches the job description.

What is tailoring your resume?


This company recently became the first to reach a $3.5 trillion market cap, with a, at the time, $229 stock price.

What is Apple?


The world’s first computer bug was just this insect trapped inside a Harvard Computer.

What is a moth?


This sorting algorithm works by arranging values at their least significant digit and repeating towards their most significant, operating in O(n) time.

What is radix sort


This is the father of Computer Science.

Who is Alan Turing?


This section on your resume should list your degrees, certifications, and relevant courses.

What is the education section?


 According to the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, this relational database management system was used by 51.9% of Professional Developers, making it the most popular RDMS.

What is PostgreSQL?


Released in 1971, this device was the world's first commercially available microprocessor

What is Intel 4004


Represented by a question mark and colon in Java, this statement allows coders to choose between two values based on a condition in a single line.

What is a ternary operator


This Peer-To-Peer file-sharing network was in operation from 1999 to 2001 before being shut down by court order for its use in music piracy.

What is Napster


Instead of listing duties, it's more impactful to showcase these, which provide measurable proof of your success

What are Quantifiable Achievements


This newly discovered side-channel attack allows attackers to exploit LCD screen noise to exfiltrate data from air-gapped computers

What is PIXHELL?


This computer, named for its original purpose of providing a 24/7 Kirby anime stream, can be found in the ACM Office.

What is Kirby Box?


Emerging from American mathematician Alonzo Church’s calculus in 1936, these functions aren’t bound to any identifiers and are often passed to other functions as parameters.

  1. What is a lambda function / anonymous function
  1. This tool for indexing FTP archives created by Alan Emtage was the world’s first search engine

What is Archie?
