These characteristics increase as air is compressed
Pressure and Density
This valve regulates the amount of air that enters the airend
Inlet Valve
Once the cause of the alarm has been corrected, this must occur in order to clear an alarm condition on an Xe controller
Press the reset button (red triangle)
This heat protection device acts as mechanical backup and trips at 245°F (118°C)
High Air Temperature Switch (1ATS)
This test measures the health of stator winding insulation
Megger Test
This environmental factor has the highest impact on CTD
This valve ensures minimum coolant flow throughout the machine during unloaded operation
Minimum Pressure Check Valve (MPCV)
This starter configuration reduces motor inrush current by 2/3
Star/Delta (Wye-Delta)
This device is either normally open or normally closed and creates pathways in a star/delta starter system
Auxiliary Contact
This is the maximum allowable tolerance when aligning a gearcase to a main drive motor
+/- 0.001"
This is the proper range for unloaded sump pressure in an R-Series machine
18-24 psi
This model controller can act as a main motor overload protection device, using current transformers (CTs) to directly monitor main motor current
Xe-70m Controller
This sensor shuts the compressor down if airend discharge temperature exceeds 228°F (109°C)
Airend Discharge Temperature Thermistor (2ATT)
This must not drop below 10% of nominal when starting and 6% of nominal while running
Incoming Voltage
This device controls the volume of coolant that flows through the cooler
Thermostatic Control Valve (TCV)
The weight of the molecules in a given volume of air
This is a normally open valve that helps control sump pressure and requires AC voltage to close
Blowdown Valve (3SV)
This sensor monitors inlet filter health on a rotary compressor
Inlet Vacuum Pressure Transducer (1AVPT)
The DC logic voltage level applied to the E-stop from an Xe-90 controller
24 Vdc
These control radial forces, support the weight of rotors, and prevent rotor movement due to thrust
Atmospheric air pressure is directly proportional to density and inversely proportional to this
These indicate the number of ways in a valve diagram
The number of penetrations (connection points) of any single position
This sensor has an input voltage of 5Vdc and returns a resistance signal to indicate package discharge air temperature
Package Discharge Temperature Thermistor (4ATT)
This type of signal provides a range of continuous, variable values to the controller
Analog signal
This reference provides information for conducting and evaluating coolant samples, air coupons, water samples, and SPM data.
Diagnostics Manual