What are Asteroids
What are irregularly shaped fragments of rocks
A comet is
a icy body that releases gas or dust
A meteor is a
meteoroid that entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up
What are meteorites used for by scientists
meteoroids are
boulders and rocks in space
The largest asteroid
What is Vesta
What do scientists believe about comets
They brought water and organic compounds to our solar system.
What are meteors sometimes called
shooting stars or falling stars.
What can scientists learn from meteorites
where do meteoroids originate from
asteroids and comets
What are the types of asteroids
What are C-type asteroids, S-type asteroids, and M-type asteroids
The main, solid part of a comet
What is nucleus
What is a meteor shower
When lots of meteors are in the sky
There are 20,000 types of this type of meterite
stony meteorite
where are meteoroids located
they orbit the sun
What are asteroids that have orbits around earth
Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs)
A halo of evaporated gas and dust that surrounds the nucleus
What is the coma
Why does a meteor shower happen
Because Earth passes through the trail of dusty debris left by a comet or asteroud
consists mainly of iron-nickel metal with small amounts of minerals
iron meteorite
meteoroids shapes
A metallic asteroid
m-type asteroid
Comet's tails face _________ the sun
away from
What does a meteor become when it hits the ground of the Earth
It becomes a meteorite
stony-iron meteorite
what can a meteoroid turn into