What is Ranger's current favorite game?
Wild Hearts
What state does N8iV live in?
(California is also acceptable)
What kind of cookies does Santa like?
Sugar Cookies
What's the name of Elmmerfudd's guest episode?
Fudd and Gun
What is decorating the tree called?
Trimming the tree
__________ the Buildy Princess
How many kids does Ranger have?
What is N8iV's favorite thing about games?
Competitive game modes
What was the star protein in the Grinch?
Roast Beast
What is the title of the Skyrim episode?
Dragon-Born in the Stars
What gets hung over the fire place?
AKA Chicken
What state does Ranger live in?
How long has N8iV been married to his wife?
17 years
Which meat is most common for Christmas dinner?
What episode did we talk Palworld v. Pokemon lawsuit?
Law of Spaces
What do the kids leave for Santa?
Milk and Cookies
Podoru Poster
Gilded Rose
What game has Ranger played the most hours of?
Destiny 2
What game is N8iV currently playing the most of?
Marvel Rivals
What food gets wrapped around your Christmas tree?
What is the name of our first episode with game content?
What do people give to each other?
Silent Moderator
What discords can you find Ranger in?
AAP, PWP, Elmmerfudd's, Space Mafia, and BBL
How many kids does N8iV have?
What kind of cake do you see most at Christmas?
What is the name of the most recent episode?
Hunting in the Cosmos
What is the plant that is hung over doorways and the tradition that goes with it?
Mistletoe, give each other a kiss
Hostest with the Mostest / Mother of Space