What is an Astronomicl Phenomena
A Lunar Eclispe is when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun
True of False
What is another name for the Auroras?
Nothern or Southern Lights
True or False: An Ocean tide is the rise and fall of ocean water
How many times has the Earth orbited the Sun in Ms. Wiens' lifetime?
What is significant about the Astronomical Phenomena? (why do scientists study them?)
1. Understanding the Universe
2. Prediciting Natural events
3. Technological Advancements
4. Inspiration and Exploration
What colour does the moon appear in a lunar Eclipse
The particles that the Sun releases are called
"Solar Winds"
True or False: The Moon has stronger gravitational pull than Earth.
During the Spring and Autumn Equinox, the days and nights are the same length
True of False
Solar and Lunar Eclipse: These occur when the Earth, Moon and sun ____________
Fill in the blank
Line up
A soloar eclipse is when the Sun passes between the Earth and the moon
True of False
What do the solar winds interact with when the reach the Earth?
Magnetic Field
The ______________ causes the ocean tides
What typer of Eclipse did some of North America Experience last year?
Solar Eclipse
Phases of the Moon: The changing appearance of the Moon as it _________the Earth
Fill in the blanks
What is a partial Solar Eclipse
When part of moon blocks a portion of the Sun
What Gas causes the particles to turn Green in the sky?
What is the difference between a lunar and solar tide?
Lunar tide is also known as low high tide and solar tide is low tide
What is the imaginary line that goes throught he center of the Earth - which allows the Earth to spin
Bright lights in the sky that are a result of solar particles interacting with the gases in earth's atmosphere are called ______________?
Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights
What do we see when we look up at the sun during a Annular Eclipse
A thin ring around the outside of The Moon
Where can we normally see the Nothern light -
2 places
North and South Poles
What is the difference between a diurnal and semi-diurnal tide?
EXTRA: Which is more common?
Diurnal tide is when the tide rises and falls once each day.
Semi-diurnal tide has high and low tides twice a day.
The Summer solstice, is the official start of Summer.
True of False
Is it the longest or shortest day of the year