What is the top of a wavelength called?
A crest.
A pattern of stars.
How far away is the sun?
93 million miles away
The ________ is one 100 billion stars in the _______ __________.
Sun, Milky Way
One year on Saturn is equal to how many earth years
29 Earth Years
What does ROY G. BIV stand for?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet
What is refraction?
The bending of light
If the sun were any further away from Earth, what would happen to us?
What is Earth's only natural satellite and how many phases can we see?
The Moon and 8 different moon phases.
An earth day is defined as the time it takes for the Earth to do what?
Revolve once on its axis.
What are the wavelengths we cannot see?
Ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma, and infrared.
What is a reflecting telescope?
a telescope that reflects light. Instead of a lens, this type of telescope uses a mirror.
The light that Sun produces is how many times brighter than a 60-watt light bulb? Bonus: How many zeros is that?
4 Septillion times brighter. 24 zeros!
Our universe is estimated to be about ________ _________ light years wide.
91 billion
The sun, moon and Earth are relative motions that define what?
Day, month and year.
What is light that we can see called?
Visible light
What is a Gnomon?
one of the oldest devices that helped astronomers determine the location and motion of the sun in relation to the Earth.
_____________ is a force of attraction that exists between any 2 masses
The Earth is part of the _______ _______. The ________ _______ is part of the ______ _______. The ______ ______ is a part of __________ ________. Which is all part of the ___________.
The Earth is part of the solar system. The solar system is part of the Milky Way. The Milky Way is part of Galaxy Cluster. Which is all part of the Universe.
What helped sailors navigate in the ocean?
True or false: any object in the sky is either producing light or reflecting light.
Define atmosphere
The gaseous layer surrounding Earth or another heavenly body.
What is a satellite
A natural or artificial body orbiting a planet or star.
Name all the planets in our solar system, including the one star.
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
There are many subfields of astronomy which allow scientists to specialize in the study of particular objects and events. What are they and what do they study?
Planetary - planets, Stellar - stars, Galactic - galaxies, Cosmologists - entire universe and its history and future, Astrometric - motions of the sun, moon and planets.