The number of days Earth takes to revolve around the Sun
What is 365.24?
The time of one revolution around the Earth does not take long.
What is 27 days (a month)?
The third planet from the Sun.
What is Earth?
Early Greeks though this to be the center of the solar system.
What is geocentric (Earth at the center)?
A collection of stars in the galaxy.
What is a constellation?
The shape of the orbit around the sun is not perfectly round.
What is an ellipse?
The moon shines due to a large star.
What is reflecting the sun's light?
The first four planets are separated from the last four due to an asteroid belt.
What is the inner planets?
The Sun is the center of the Earth.
What is heliocentric?
The amount of light shining from a star.
What is absolute magnitude?
The season the Earth is closest to the Sun.
What is winter?
The moon can be completely covered.
What is a new moon?
This inner planet is filled with FeO2 (Iron II Oxide).
What is Mars?
1 AU = ?
What is 150 million km?
This type of galaxy would describe the Milky Way.
What is a spiral?
The hemisphere tilted toward the Sun ...
What receives more daylight?
A dark shadow is casted on the surface of the Earth.
What is a solar eclipse?
The most moons revolved around this planet.
What is Jupiter?
Millions of small, rocky objects that orbit the sun in an asteroid belt
What is an asteroid?
A possible theory that explains the origin of the universe.
What is the big bang theory?
As spring approaches, the day of the equinox approaches.
What is March 19th?
A large, round pit found on surfaces with no atmosphere.
If Pluto is not a planet, it is a _______.
What is a dwarf planet?
Made of gas, dust and ice and moves around the sun in an oval-shaped orbit.
What is a comet?
What is the color with the highest frequency?
What is purple?