How many days are in a year?
What other planets have life?
It's a little meteor. (Meatier)
What does the moon's gravity do to the oceans?
Creates tides
The Red Planet
Why are there 365 days in a year?
That's one trip around the sun.
Habitable or Goldilocks Zone
How do astronomers organize a party?
They "planet"
True or False: The moon helps stabilize Earth's tilt.
True - the Earth would be wobbly if the moon weren't there.
The hottest planet in the Solar System
Why is a day 24 hours?
That's how long it takes for earth to spin on it's axis.
How far is Earth from the sun?
93 million miles
What kind of stars where sunglasses?
Movie stars!!!
Are Jupiter's moons as influential as Earth's moon is to Earth?
No, Jupiter has many moons, but none are as influential as Earth's moon.
The closest planet to the Sun
Why is it hot in the summer?
Because the Earth is tilted towards the sun.
What gasses support life on our planet?
How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket.
What is it about Earth's climate that helps support life?
Its not too hot and not too cold...Just right!
The biggest planet in size.
Why do we have leap years?
Because a year is SLIGHTLY longer than 365 days.
What does the magnetic field protect us from?
Solar winds and radiation
What types of songs do the planets sing?
How do Jupiter and Saturn protect Earth?
They help to deflect asteroids and comets.
Which planet is known for it's humungous rings?