How long does it take for sunlight to reach the Earth
8 mins 20 seconds (8mins is close enough)
What causes a lunar eclipse?
When the Earth casts a shadow on the moon, blocking sunlight
What is the point of a Black hole, from which point light can not escape?
The Event Horizon
What is the name of the Infared telescope, launched in 2021?
The James Webb Space Telescope
Who's theory's of gravity helped explain why planets orbit the sun?
Issac Newton
What are the areas on the sun that have intense magnetic fields, and often have a "darker" color
Sun Spots
What causes the Earth's seasons?
The tilt of Earth's axis (23.5*)
What is the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way?
The Andromeda Galaxy
Hans Lippershey, a Dutch spectacle maker, is credited with inventing the first practical _____
What was the name of the first satelite in space?
Sputnik 1
What is the name of the closest Star to our Sun?
Proxima Centauri
When did humans first land on the moon?
Often called the birthplace of stars, these are ___
The Space Shuttle Program
Nicolaus Copernicus proposed in his heliocentric model, that ____
The Earth orbits the Sun
What is the brightest star in the night sky, as seen from earth
Sirius, aka the Dog Star
Why do we always see the same side of the Moon from Earth?
The moon is tidally locked to Earth
What is the name of the Supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way?
Sagittarius A
What is the name of the Russian space craft that brings Astronauts and Cosmonauts to the International Space Station?
The Soyuz Spacecraft
What ancient structure in Southern England was believed to have been used for astronomical purposes?
What is the largest known type of Star?
Red Supergiants
How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth? (Its not 31 days)
Most known by its photo name, "The Pillars of Creation", this nebulas actual name is ___
The Eagle Nebula
This spacecraft has traveled the farthest from earth, and is now in interstellar space
Voyager 1
Who was the first American in space?
Alan Shepard