These are the origins of the dark spots on the Moon
What are volcanoes and meteor strikes
This is the 3rd closest planet to the Sun.
What is Earth!
What is a nebula (large dense gas cloud)
Mars used to look like another planet in the solar system. Which one?
What is Earth.
The outer most layer of the sun
What is Corona
This is the origin of Jupiter's big red spot.
A giant never-ending hurricane of hail
This is the origin of a nebula
What is the explosion of an old star (supernova)
The one thing the closest 4 planets to the Sun all share in common.
What is... they are rocky (relatively small) (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars)
This is the most volcanic place in the solar system.
What is Jupiter's closest moon, Io.
Type of tide caused on the side of the Earth that is closest to the moon
What is High Tide
What is Venus.
This is how long light takes to travel between the Sun and the Earth.
What are 8 minutes.
What happens at the end of a really massive star's life?
What is a supernova
This is how scientists think the Moon was formed.
What is a collision between Mars and Earth that knocked off a chunk of the Earth
This is a moon that has a underground ocean with more water than Earth has.
What is Europa, the 2nd closest moon to Jupiter
This is at the center of the Milky Way.
What is a black hole (super massive black hole)