Mars is a __________planet because it has mountains, valleys. and volcanoes.
What is terrestrial?
The sky on Mars looks what color.
What is yellow/brown?
A comet is nicknamed a ______ ________.
What is dirty snowball?
This comet can be seen from Earth every 76 years. This means it is a short period comet.
What is Halley's comet?
All other planets together could fit inside this planet.
What is Jupiter?
Because Mars has less mass and gravity than Earth, we would weigh ____ on Mars.
What is less?
True or False: A day on Mars is longer than a day on Earth lasts about 41 hours because Mars rotates slower than Earth.
What is False. Mars rotates about the same speed as Earth so one day is about the same as Earth?
A comet has three main parts. A nucleus, ______, and_____.
What are coma and tail?
A _____ is often called a "shooting star".
What is a meteor?
Jupiter is a _____planet, even though it has a small rocky core.
What is gaseous?
There is lots of dry ice on Mars. Dry ice is frozen ___________.
What is carbon dioxide?
Mars orbits on a tilt. This means that it has __________.
What is seasons?
A long period comet's orbit takes _________.
What is more than 300 years?
Explain the Exploded Planet Hypothesis.
What is the idea that there was once a planet between Mars and Jupiter that exploded and formed the space rocks in the asteroid belt.
The ____________ on Jupiter is a giant storm that is twice the size of Earth and has been raging for over 300 years.
What is the Great Red Spot?
The largest planet in the solar system is on Mars. It is called ________.
What is Olympus Mons?
A ______is a small piece of space rock or dust floating in space.
What is a meteoroid?
The __________separates the planets into two groups. The inner planets and the outer planets.
What is the asteroid belt?
The smallest Jovian (meaning Jupiter)moon which is a smooth, large, frozen ocean is called ______.
What is Europa?
Jupiter has a long revolution. One year on Jupiter equals ___ Earth years
What is 12?
Mars has two moons. Name one.
What are Phobos and Deimos?
Comets travel in _______ orbits.
What is elliptical?
When ice moves directly from a solid to a gas to make the coma of a comet it is called to _______.
What is sublimate?
The name of a comet that crashed into Jupiter.
What is Shoemaker Levy 9?
Jupiter is made of some of the same gases as the sun. Two gases Jupiter is made of are _____ and ______.
What are helium and hydrogen?