The name of the galaxy in which our Sun is located.
What is the Milky Way galaxy?
The closest planet to the Sun
What is Mercury
The name of the galaxy we live in
What is the Milky Way
The term used to describe moon phases with GROWING lit area
What is a waxing
When a moon phase appears more than half illuminated
What is Gibbous
This planet is the largest in our solar system.
What is Jupiter?
The moon phase that is the beginning of the cycle
What is a new moon
The collection of rocks between the inner and outer planets
What is the Asteroid Belt
The outer planets are also known as _______ giants.
What are Gas Giants
The planet that is missing from this list:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is Mars
The smallest planet in our solar system
What is Mercury
The inner planets are called this
What is terrestrial or rocky
The part of the moon's sphere that is always in shadow
What is HALF
The Earth has a ________ field around it that protects us from solar radiation
What is magnetic
The largest planet in our solar system
What is Jupiter
A star and the objects that orbit it is called this
What is a solar system
Stars connected in recognizable patterns.
What is a constellation
Moon light is really come from ______
What is the sun
The effect the moon's gravity has on Earth
What are TIDES
The natural satellite that orbits around Earth
What is the MOON
The force that keeps planets orbiting the sun
What is gravity
The term used to describe a moon phases with a SHRINKING lit area
What is waning
When a moon phase appears less than half illuminated
What is Crescent