The first person to publish work saying that the sun may be the center of the universe instead of the earth.
Who is Copernicus?
This model shows the earth at the center of the universe with all star, planets, sun and moon orbiting the earth.
What is the geocentric theory?
The line across the sky that is 90 degrees away from the pole star. As if a line was extended out from Earth's equator.
What is the celestial equator?
Galileo observed this which shows that the objects beyond the earth are not all perfect spheres.
What is the craters on the moon?
The person to make 3 laws of planetary motion that are still used today.
Who is Kepler?
This model of the solar system shows the sun at the center and all planets orbiting the sun.
What is the heliocentric theory?
The line that all the planets, sun, and moon travel on across the sky.
Galileo observed with his telescope that these objects traveled around an object other than the earth.
What are Jupiter's moons?
The person to make numerous observations with a telescope supporting the model that the sun in the center of the solar system rather than the earth.
This was the philosophical reason that people believed the earth was the center of the universe.
What is: humans are the most important created things, therefore our planet must be the most important part of the universe, therefore the center.
The distance above the horizon that something is.
What is the altitude [of a star/planet]?
The apparent motion of a planet as it temporarily moves backwards in its motion across the sky.
What is Retrograde motion?
The person who, among other things, brainstormed about the relativity of space, time, and the constancy of the speed of light.
Who is Einstein?
This was the idea of planets traveling in circles even as those circles traveled along their orbits.
What are epicycles?
The point directly overhead, would be 90 degrees altitude.
What is the zenith?
Galileo observed this which showed that something orbited the sun specifically and not the earth.
What is the phases of Venus?
The astronomer who made extremely detailed measurements of the motion of Mars which were later used by someone else to develop laws of planetary motion.
Who is Tycho Brahe?
The adjustment made from the original heliocentric model to the model used today.
What is the shift from circular orbits to elliptical orbits?
The angle that a star is away from north.
What is the azimuth?
This shows that light itself bends due to the gravity around a star.
What is stellar parallax? The position of a star appears to be different than expected as viewed during an eclipse, the stars light has bent around the sun.