A deformity or pain on this bony landmark is indicative of Osgood-Schlatter's Disease.
What is the tibial tuberosity?
Normal degrees of ROM for ankle.
What is 50° plantarflexion, 20° dorsiflexion, 35° talar/5° subtalar inversion, 15° talar/5° subtalar eversion?
Describe the MMT grading scale.
What is this is too much to type look at the chart on the other tab?
Name a special test that examines patellofemoral dysfunction.
What is Patella Apprehension or Clarke's Sign/Patellar Grind?
This special test can be used to determine if a patient is malingering (bonus 200 points if you can describe the test).
What is the Hoover Test (passively lift heel off table, have patient do SLR on involved side, (+) = no pressure on opposite/"good" side)?
This is the most common location for a patient to develop a Morton's Neuroma (and why for 400 bonus points).
What is between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads because it is where the nerve is the thickest?
Degrees of freedom for foot/phalange ROM and their names.
What is one DOF and 90° extension, 45° flexion (has some ADD/ABD but very minimal)?
MMT for tibialis anterior.
What is resisted ankle dorsiflexion and inversion?
Name three special tests to examine ACL injury.
What is Anterior Drawer, Lachman's, Lelli's, and Slocum Drawer?
Describe the Ottawa Ankle/Foot Rules and what they are used to diagnose.
What are fractures:
For Ankle: Inability to bear weight due to pain (cannot take 4 steps), TTP over posterior 6cm of either malleoli, pain in malleolar zone
For Foot: Inability to bear weight due to pain (cannot take 4 steps), TTP over base of 5th metatarsal, TTP over navicular bone, pain in midfoot zone
Describe the difference between hammer toe, mallet toe, and claw toe.
What is hammer toe = flexion at PIP, mallet toe = flexion at DIP joint w/ callus over DIP or tip of toe, and claw toe = flexion of DIP and hyperextension of MCP w/ callus over PIP and under MT head?
Normal degrees of ROM for knee.
What is 135° flexion, 0° extension, 15° tibial IR, 25° tibial ER?
MMT for popliteus.
What is resisted ER of lower leg while short seated?
This special tests involves the medial-lateral glide of the calcaneus and a positive test is this with indications for this injury.
What is Cotton's/Side-to-Side Test, pain in syndesmosis, tibiofibular ligament sprain or interosseus membrane damage (aka high ankle sprain)?
This is the direction of a joint mobilization to improve knee flexion.
What is posterior glide of the tibia on the femur OR anterior glide of the femur on the tibia?
Name which movements each compartment of the lower leg primarily performs (bonus 1600 points for knowing what muscles go in each compartment).
What is just Google it because WOW that is WAY TOO MUCH to type out on here?
Normal degrees of ROM for hip.
What is 135° flexion, 30° extension, 45° ER, 35° IR, 45° ABD, 25° ADD?
MMT for plantaris.
What is resisted knee flexion AND ankle plantarflexion?
This special test involves passive hip flexion, hip adduction, and hip IR of the patient's leg with the knee flexed. A positive test is indicated by this and implies this diagnosis.
What is FADIR Test, anterior hip pain, and FAI?
These two conditions (together or separately) can cause pigeon toeing at the foot/ankle joint.
What are femoral anteversion (angle of torsion >15°) and/or coxa vara/genu valgus (angle of inclination <125°)?
Name the joint type of each joint in the lower extremity.
What is MT/IP = condyloid, subtalar - gliding, talocrural = hinge, tibiofemoral = modified hinge, patellofemoral = gliding, femoroacetabular = ball-and-socket?
Name the degrees of freedom of the hip joint and all actions.
What is three DOF and flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, ER, IR, and circumduction?
MMT for each quadricep muscle.
What is:
RF - supine resisted straight leg hip FLX
VMO - seated resisted knee extension with lower leg ER
VLO - seated resisted knee extension with lower leg IR
VI - seated resisted knee extension
This accessory structure in the knee does not have a specific special test dedicated to it, but can be somewhat tested with ALRI Slocum's Test.
What is the Anterolateral Ligament (ALL)?
Name the dermatomes, myotomes, and reflex locations for the lower body.
What is please Google it, this is way too much to type lol?