Name the muscles that comprise the rotator cuff.
What is the nerve root that affects elbow extension?
C7 (triceps)
Where would a Baker's cyst be located?
Popliteal Fossa
What special test tests for scapholunate instability
Watson Test
To ensure that ice hockey helmets are safe for competitive play, the helmets are certified through which governing agency?
Canadian Standards Association
What 2 structures pass through the tunnel of Guyon?
The ulnar nerve and ulnar artery
What muscle is innervated by the axillary nerve?
Which joint is considered a "mortise" joint?
talocural (ankle joint)
Phalen's Test
Median n and carpal tunnel
What are the 5 domains?
Which bones make up the carpal bones of the wrist?
- Lunate
- Hamate
- Pisiform
- Scaphoid
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Triquetrum
To test the hypoglossal nerve, the AT should request the patient to perform what action?
Stick out tongue
What are the deltoid ligament names?
De- Quervain's syndrome is a problem in which tunnel?
Tunnel 1
What does HIPPA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What is the DRUJ?
Distal Radioulnar Joint
Holding a vibrating tuning fork next to the athlete's ear to determine air conduction of sound is a test for the ______ cranial nerve.
The vestibulocochlear (cranial nerve VIII)
Which structures pass through the femoral triangle?
The femoral artery, vein, and nerve
Gerber Lift Off tests which muscle?
Principle requires that the athlete receives a full disclosure of the risks, benefits, and possible alternatives for treatment?
Informed consent
Can be palpated on ventral/palmar surface of the palm, proximal to the fifth digit
hypothenar eminence
"Handlebar palsy," which occurs in cyclists, presents with motor weakness of what nerve/s?
Ulnar n.
Name the muscles of the triceps surae.
Soleus, gastrocnemius and plantaris
Name the muscles going through tunnel 1 of hand.
MOST restrictive form of credential regulation