Justice League
For a Few Dollars More
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gone with the Wind
The Empire Strikes Back
The moment a judgment creates a lien on Real Property
What is when it is docketed, or a certified copy is recorded, in the county where the property is located?
The name commonly given to the fee for giving construction lien coverage while it is still possible for construction liens to be filed against newly constructed property
What is Early Issue?
Something that cannot be done through the use of a Power of Attorney.
What is: (1) use the Power of Attorney in a manner that would create a conflict of Interest?; (2) Transfer the principal's property to oneself?; (3) Use the principal's property as collateral for one's loan?; (4) Use the PofA in a manner that benefits the agent?
The term used when a governmental body takes property for public use (often when the owner is unwilling to sell/give it).
What is eminent domain?
The type of Oregon companies which will not be found in the records of the Corporation Division of the Secretary of State.
What are insurance companies and banks?
When a court order is required for a duly appointed conservator to sell the protected person's property
What is when the protected person's personal residence is the subject of the sale.
One of the items insured against under "extended coverage".
What are non-record matters that can affect title to real property? *Taxes/Assessments not shown as existing liens *Interests that can be discovered by an inspection or inquiry *Unrecorded easements, water rights, reservations in patents *Encroachments disclosed by a survey *Unrecorded Construction Liens
A reason having a signature notarized may be beneficial.
What is: (1) the notary takes steps to verify the identity of the signer?; (2) the notary certifies that the signer is acting voluntarily and knowingly?; (3) the County Gods will not accept a document for recording unless it has been notarized?
The term used when title to property transfers as a result of its occupation and use by a neighbor.
What is adverse possession?
The party who is solely responsible for withholding taxes under FIRPTA.
Who is the buyer/transferee?
The length of time a junior creditor has to redeem property from a judicial sale.
What is 60 days from the date of sale (or the date of the last redemption by another creditor)?
The additional premium to give extended coverage on a lender's policy for residential property.
What is 30% of the basic rate?
A reason a party to a transaction may want to rely on a Certification of Trust.
What is ORS 130.860(9)? *A party may assume the existence of the facts in the certification. *The transaction and any lien created by it are binding on the trust.
The term for foreclosing on a contact of sale without using the courts.
What is forfeiture? Now codified under ORS 93.905 -93.940.
When a title insurance company or agent may give an intermediary a flower or plant (the cost of which is under $50).
What is when the intermediary is a good customer. (and it is a condolence gift or an open house for a new office).
When an out of state probate can be recognized to transfer title of property of the deceased.
What is when there has been an Ancillary Probate in this state? Or: What is when you are feeling lucky.... punk? (Clint Eastwood School of Underwriting)
The additional premium when there has been no probate of the deceased owner who passed away in the 3 months prior to the transaction.
What is 100% of the Basic Rate. (That's right, double)
An action escrow can take if it suspects a party to the transaction is a victim of elder abuse.
What is: (1) call the state underwriter/in house legal counsel?; (2) require the suspected victim get independent legal advice from an attorney?; (3) refuse to close the transaction?
The term used when property is given to public use (via a governmental body)
What is a dedication?
The reason that escrow is not improperly practicing law when it prepares a note, trust deed, or power of attorney as part of a transaction.
What is the exemption created by the Oregon Legislature, as long as escrow follows the rules set out in the exemption (ORS 9.160)?
The statutory required method for serving the State of Oregon.
What is service on the (State) Attorney General?
Why we have received fewer requests for a Substitute Insured Endorsement since 2006.
What is the 2006 Policy includes "Substitute Insureds" under the Definition of Insured. (I.E. Coverage is automatic under the 2006 Policy)
An action that escrow can take to prevent e-mail or wire fraud.
What is: (1) use encoded e-mail to communicate with a party?; (2) verify the contents of an e-mail by talking to the party via a phone number independently obtained?; (3) warn the parties of potential e-mail scams and that they should not wire funds pursuant to an e-mail without verifying its accuracy from escrow?
The term used when title to property adjacent to a waterway/river is lost by the slow movement of that waterway into the property.
What is reliction?
The time frame during which a government issued ID can be used and meet the requirements of the Oregon notary laws.
What is 3 years after the ID's expiration date? Caveat: Make sure that your company policy allows you to accept expired ID.