The lower section of the brain that helps control autonomic processes like breathing and heart beat
The name for the home base of the neuron where genetic information is stored
This structure of the eye gives our eyes their color
This is the aspect of the experiment that we can control and manipulate.
Independent Variable
Memory can be divided into two major categories, what are they?
Short term and long term
This part of the brain helps with our motor functions and balance
The cable like structure in the neuron that passes information within the neuron.
What is an individualistic vs. collectivistic culture?
In brief, individualistic culture emphasizes individual success where as collectivist cultures view success as tied to the success of the entire community.
In Psychology, this is the name for someone who might see a conflict between two people but does not interfere
This lobe of the brain helps regulate emotions and is larger in humans than other animals
Frontal lobe
This part of the neuron takes in information from other neurons
The clear, outer layer of the eye that light passes through is called the?
What is omnivorousness
In food, eating both animals and plans, in psychology, it means a diversity of taste or media consumption
This is the deepest stage of sleep where dreaming happens
This structure in the brain connects the left and right hemisphere
Corpus Callosum
Fatty tissue on the outer layer of a certain part of a neuron to help isolate electrical signals
Mylein Sheath
The back layer of the eye that helps us process light information and sends that information to the brain
In research, N equals?
The number of participants
This is the name for the natural cycle our bodies undergo that tell us when it is time to sleep
Circadian Rhythm
What is the difference between white and grey matter?
White matter is the axons of neurons while grey matter is the cell bodies or somas
The scientific name for the chemical compounds that serve to send messages between neurons
What do rods and cones do?
Rods process light information on a scale from black to white while cones process color information from light
This is the name of a group of study participants who do not participate in any altered groups to get a base-line measurement
Control Group
This is a sleep disorder where individuals may experience "sleep attacks" or an inability to stay awake