Place Value/Rounding
Whole # operations/divisibility rules
Exponents/Perfect squares
Order of Operations/ prime and composite

Write each number in standard form.

a) Sixty-eight thousand, five hundred four

b) Seventeen million, three hundred fifty-two thousand

a) 68,504

b) 17,350,000


Find the sum and difference:

a) 3,498 + 532,162

b) 10,032 – 6,784

a) 535,660

b) 3,248


Write each product in exponential form.

a) 9x9x9x9x9

b) 24x24x24x24x24x24x24

Write each number as a power of 10.

c) 10,000

d) 100,000,000,000

a) 95

b) 247

c) 104

d) 1011


Determine whether the number is prime or composite.

a) 111

b) 149

c) 279

d) 73

a) composite

b) prime

c) composite

d) prime


Find the GCF of each set of numbers.

a) 40 and 112

b) 72 and 252

a) 8

b) 36


Write each number in word form.

a) 4,070

b) 5,320,291

a) four thousand seventy'

b) five million, three hundred twenty thousand, two hundred, ninety one


Use divisibility rules to determine if each number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, or 10. If the number is not divisible by any of the listed numbers, write “none”.

a) 678

b) 1,720

c) 907

d) 531

a) 2,3,6

b) 2,4,5,10

c) none

d) 3,9


Find the value of each power.

a) 26

b) 43 x 142

a) 64

b) 12,544


Write the prime factorization of each number.

a) 882

b) 6,760

a) 2 x 3x 72

b) 23 x 5 x 132


Find the LCM of each set of numbers.

a) 9 and 24

b) 16 and 72

a) 72

b) 144


Round each number to the place indicated.

a) 5,483; tens

b) 16,473; thousands

a) 5,490

b) 16,000


Find the product:

a) 728 x 16

b) 4,728(63)

a) 11,648

b) 297,864


Compare the values by writing a <, >, or = symbol in the circle.

a) 5___ 92 x 23

b) 133____ 37

a) <

b) >


Simplify each expression: Mrs. Farrell will write them in

a) #39

b) #40

a) 96

b) 31


Indicate whether you will use a GCF or LCM to solve the problem. Then solve.

Nora baked cut-out cookies in the shapes of hearts and stars to place on plates for children to decorate. If she has 108 hearts and 189 stars and wants to make sure each child gets the same combination of hearts and stars, what is the greatest number of plates she will need?


27 plates


Round each number to the place indicated.

a)2,463,297; hundred thousands

b) 839,195,002; ten millions

a) 2,500,000'

b) 840,000,000


Find the quotient:

a) 2812/38

b) 604/12

a) 74

b) 50 4/12


State whether the number is a perfect square. If yes, rewrite as a number squared.

a) 81

b) 360

c) 148

d) 256

a) yes, 92

b) no

c) no

d) yes, 162


Simplify each expression: Mrs. Farrell will write them in

a) #41

b) #42

a) 29

b) 216


Indicate whether you will use a GCF or LCM to solve the problem. Then solve.

Scott is buying drink boxes and fruit snacks as snacks for a baseball team. Drink boxes come in packs of 24 and fruit snacks come in packs of 15. If he wants an equal number of drink boxes and fruit snacks, how many packages of each will he need to purchase?

LCM = 120

5 packs of drink boxes and 8 packs of fruit snacks


Read the problem carefully, then solve.

There are 12,000 seats in a basketball arena. If 2,975 seats are empty and each person paid $58 for their ticket, how much money was made from ticket sales?



Read the problem carefully, then solve:

The bed of a large truck is designed to carry a maximum of 1,820 pounds. How many 36-pound bags of sand can be loaded on to the truck?

50 bags


Fill in the blanks with consecutive numbers that make the statement true.

a) 10 is between ____2 and ____2

b) 302 is between ____2 and ____2

c) 157 is between ____2 and ____2

d) 41 is between ____2 and ____2


a) 3and 42

b) 172 and 182

c) 122 and 132

d) 62 and 72


Simplify each expression: Mrs. Farrell will write them in

a) #43

b) #44

a) 13

b) 6


Indicate whether you will use a GCF or LCM to solve the problem. Then solve.

Both the red-line and blue-line train make astop at a certain train station. The red-linetrain arrives every 48 minutes and the blue-line train arrives every 30 minutes. If both trains arrive at 11:30 am, when is the next time both trains arrive at the station simultaneously again?

LCM = 240 minutes (4 hr)

3:30 pm
