Give the second and third form of: big
bigger - the biggest
The time coming next
Plánuji jet do Portugalska.
I am going to go to Portugal.
make dinner tonight
Are you going to make dinner tonight?
Give the second and third form of: healthy
healthier - the healthiest
To go live in a different home
Plánuje pozvat svoji učitelku na tu oslavu. (ona)
She is going to invite her teacher to the party.
go abroad next summer
Are you going to go abroad next summer?
Give the second and third form of: expensive
more expensive - the most expensive
After that
Plánujeme udělat (svůj) domácí úkol pozítří.
We are going to do our homework the day after tomorrow.
go out next Friday night?
Are going to go out next Friday night?
Give the second and third form of: good
better - the best
A person who says what will happen in the future.
Hodlá se oženit příští rok. (on)
He is going to get married next year.
go for a walk at the weekend
Are you going to go for a walk at the weekend?
Give the second and third form of: bad
worse - the worst
To start feeling strong romantic feelings for someone
fall in love
Plánují se rozhodnout příští týden.
They are going to decide next week.
go shopping tomorrow
Are going to go shopping tomorrow?