"So I draw because I feel like it might be my only real chance to escape the reservation."
Who is Junior / the narrator?
What life event occurred to Junior to cause him to feel depressed?
What is the death of his dog?
Theme: Children who experience________ ________ often develop anger issues as a means of letting out their pain.
What is child abuse?
“Dad said I wasn’t listening. So he got all drunk and tried to make my ear a little bigger.”
Who is Rowdy?
Junior is different from the rest of the kids on the reservation because...
He had complications at birth and was born with some physical abnormalities/health issues.
Theme: ____________ are about having someone's back during tough times.
What are friendships or relationships?
“Hey, look,” one of them said. “It’s Hydro Head.”
Who are the Andruss triplets?
Junior claims his parents are poor because...
What is their parents had parents who were also poor and everyone on the reservation is poor.
Theme: Being ___________ is not just an economic concern; it can also cause mental health issues such as low self-esteem.
What is poor?
"Indians only felt half as much pain as white people did"
Who is Junior's Dentist?
How does Rowdy convince Junior not to do self-harm?
What is he claims no one would notice he was gone -- so what is the point? 0-0 still equals 0.
Theme: People don't follow their __________ especially if their environment is not supportive or encouraging of those passions.
What are dreams?