The Holy Prophet (sa) has stated that parents should begin to urge their children at age ____ to offer Salat.
Direction. We pray facing the Kab'ah (in Mecca), whereever we are.
Come to Success
How many Nawafil prayers can you offer in Tahajjud?
As many as you want.
Salat-ul-Juma is usually offered in place of which prayer?
What is "Taraweeh"
Nawafil prayers that are often offered in congregation in Ramadan in order to complete a reading of the Holy Quran.
"Assalatu khairum-minan-naum"
Prayer is better than sleep.
What is "Khutbah Thaniya"
After delivering the first part of the sermon, the Imam sits down for a short while, then stands up again and starts with the second part which is in Arabic.
What has the Holy Prophet (sa) advised to do when we hear the 'Muazzin' making the Azan?
"Whenever you hear the Adhan, say what the Mu’adhdhin is saying." (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Azan)
A shorter version of the Azan, recited just before Salat is to begin
"Sami‘allahu liman hamidah"
Allah listens to him who praises Him.
It is preferrable to recite Surah Al-Ala, Surah Al-Kafirun, and Surah Al-Ikhlas in this Salat.
In a Hadith, the Holy Prophet (sa) has said that abandoning Salat leads to what?
Disbelief and Shirk (Idolatry)
Choose the correct answer:
The sitting position at the end of the second Rak'at is called 1) "Jilsa", or 2) "Qa'dah"
"Qad qamatis-salah"
Salat is ready (or Salat has stood)
What are "Sujud-Sahv"
Prostrations offered at the end of a Salat if the Imam fears he has made a mistake or is in doubt about the number of Raka't he has offered.
The Holy Quran mentions that which prophet used to advise his family to offer Salat?
Hazrat Ismail (as)
What is "Takbir-e-Tehrima"?
Raising the hands to begin Salat.
"Attahiyyatu lillahi was-salawatu wat-tayyibatu"
All Salutation is due to Allah and all Prayer and everything pure.
What is Salat-ul-Khusuf/Kusuf
Prayer for Solar/Lunar Eclipse