The percentage of people who identify as "religiously unaffiliated" or "none."
*As of 2024
This individual is credited with being one of the founders of Analytic Philosophy, advocating for the advancement of science, and the protection of the liberty of expression.
Bertrand Russell
A name for religious laws that barred Catholics and non-Anglican Protestants from holding civil offices.
"Test Acts"
The holiday used to highlight Charles Darwin's contributions to science. This day is also used to promote science!
Darwin Day
*February 12- This is also the birthday of Chrarles Darwin, Feb 12, 1809.
This term is used to describe the practice of the rejection of the supernatural and bases its ethics on reason, empathy, and human experience.
Secular Humanism
The constitution of this state ensures believers’ right to hold office, but it does not mention nonbelievers.
As a vote against "Test Acts"(religious laws used to exclude Catholics and non-Anglican Protestants) from holding office), this individual stated:,
"those without a conscience would easily lie to qualify themselves for office while the best men would be kept out of our counsels."
James Irell
*at the North Carolina Constitutional Retifying Committee in 1788.
In this year, the Supreme Court ruled that the religious freedom clauses of the First Amendment protected the rights of people of all faiths and none to be eligible for public appointments.
Celebrated on the first Thursday in May, this secular holiday is a response to the National Day of Prayer in the United States. It's a day to celebrate reason and raise awareness about religious liberty
National Day of Reason
The word used to describe the absence of faith or belief in the existence of divine beings; the position that there are no dieties.
"Positive disbelief rather than mere suspension of belief."
In this state, anyone who denies the existence of God cannot hold public office or testify in court.
This person refused his appointment as a notary public by the governor of Maryland because he would not swear an oath affirming the existence of God as required by the state constitution, leading to a change in the first amendment that would help us become a more inclusive country.
Roy Torasco
Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychiatry, was a key person in developing the treatment of mental illnesses and also the founder of this type of analysis.
Celebrated with gift-giving and dinner feasts
Winter Solstice
These groups specifically advocate for ethical living based on reason and empathy.
Atheist, Agnostic, Humanist
The number of states (as of 2021) who have uninforced bans on atheists holding public office.
One of the most brilliant physicists whose work is on par with Albert Einstein and also identifies as an Atheist!
Stephen Hawking
The 16th-century time period where David Hume and Immanuel Kant criticized traditional arguments for the existence of God.
The Enlightenment
Three holidays that are not limited to specific religions that Athiests are likely to take part in celebration.
Thanksgiving, New Year's, Valentine's Day
The difference between Agnostic and Atheist.
-An Atheist does not believe in the existence of a god or divine being.
-An Agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves in a god or religious doctrine.
This Amendment protects the rights of people of all faiths, including people who choose the option to have no faith or religious affiliation.
The First Amendment
The first known athiest of early modern times.
Matthias Knutzen
*(1646–after 1674), who published three atheist writings in 1674.
The documented idea of Atheism can be traced back as far as this Ancient Greek philosopher (341-270BC)
Celebrated with fall decorations and pumpkin carvings.
Autumn Equinox
Other words that an Atheist may use to self-identify.
Agnostic, Humanist, Secular, Bright, Freethinker, Nones