Alphabet Soup: The world of NCAA and sports acronyms. AND Get a Job: Various titles and jobs that a campus must have with regard to compliance
Call 911: What to do about injuries?? AND Stormy Weather: Rules about playing in storms, travel in weather, etc.
Food for Thought: Rules about the snack bar.
Sports Informaiton and Socializing: Social media for the intermediate
Practice Makes Perfect: Rules about practice protocols
When is the first opportunity for a prospective student athlete to come on an official visit?
No earlier than January 1st of their junior year in high school
You are at practice, it starts to rain, and you hear thunder, but do not see lightning. What do you do? What are considered safe shelters?
Continue to monitor the weather and continue to practice until you see lightning. At that point, start doing a flash-to-bang ratio. Flash to bang: count the seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder. 5 seconds for 1 mile. NCAA policy is 30 seconds or 6 miles. We highly recommend 50 seconds or 10 miles to account for clean up time or adequate transportation time to a safe shelter. Safe shelters are not: dug outs, metal benches or bleachers, over hangs or awnings, bench shelters. No other choice: vehicles. Prefer: buildings
Who has the ability to work the concession stand within the department?
Any coach/team who has been properly trained in food handling.

What is SUNY Oneonta Athletics hashtag? What social media platform uses “like” and “retweet” to interact with a post?

#HereWeGoO Twitter


What should be the first thing you do as you get to your practice facility?

Scan the area for any unsafe items, potentially unsafe situations. Always remember worst case scenarios.

What does RSRO & FAR stand for?
Request/Self Report Online Faculty Athletic Representative
What number do you call in case of an emergency when on campus? What number do you call in case of an emergency when off campus?
x3550 for UPD and OSES 911 for Oneonta Emergency Services
What are three items that should be worn while working the concession stand?
Hat/hair net, long sleeve and latex gloves
What is SUNY Oneonta Athletics social media handle (Instagram/ Twitter)? How many programs are active on Instagram?
@RedDragonSports 16

What medical equipment should you be bringing to practice every day? Where does the medical equipment go after practice?

AED, med kit, injury ice, water (if necessary), water bottles (if necessary) Back where you signed it out within the ATR. Med kits go in their labeled cabinets; AED back in the cubby; water coolers emptied and upside down on the shelf to dry; water bottles emptied, caps in the sink, and bottles left right side up in the carriers. Equipment should never be left outside the ATR, in locker rooms, or out in the ATR.

When can an institution publicly release general athletic information through electronic means regarding a prospective student athlete?
On or after May 1 provided the institution has received a financial deposit.
You are on the road, traveling without an athletic trainer, and your athlete complains of a severe headache. Can you give them medication?
No. You are not permitted to give athletes any medication, whether it is prescription or OTC. All medications are monitored and signed off on via our physicians for the AT staff. Exceptions: Glucagon and Epi - Pen but these are for emergency situations. Preferably host AT should administer these.
What needs to be done after every time the concession stand is used?
It needs to be completely cleaned so that we don't receive violations from the health department.
What social medium is most popular with perspective and current student athletes? When are coaches supposed to turn in an updated bio?
Instagram July 1st

The temperature is 12 degrees with a "feels like" temperature of 8 degrees. Are you allowed to practice outside?

No. Our SUNY Oneonta guidelines are anything below a "feels like" or actual temperature of 10, no practices will occur outside. Between 10 - 15 degrees, there must be a 15 minute rewarming after 30 minutes of practice, and every athlete should be moving during practice time.

What does PTD and SWA stand for?
Progress Towards Degree Senior Women's Administrator
Your athlete complains of a headache after colliding with an opponent during an away game. What should you do? Do you return the athlete to play? What do you do if your student-athlete is injured on the road?
Immediately refer the athlete to the host AT to evaluate. If host AT determines that the athlete has a concussion, no return to play. Only time return to play is if the host AT clears the athlete. Inform home ATs of the situation. Always make sure to immediately inform ATs at home regarding any injuries sustained on the road.
What percentage of your profits must go back to the athletic department?
20% for now but this might go up to 25% next year.
Should your Sports Information Department be included on schedule changes? What is a "story" in social media?
Yes. A story is an image or video that is attached or associated with a certain username for 24hrs. This feature appears at the top of the social media channels and is able to be viewed unlimited times in a 24hr span.

When you make a change to your practice time or location, who should you inform and when should this be done by?

Who: Ryan, AT staff, Helen When: Immediately when the change has an occurred. If the change occurs within 48 hours of original scheduled practice, the AT staff does not guarantee coverage.

Can student athletes compete in Collegiate All-Star Contests (outside of senior all star games)?
No, a student athlete who competes as a member of a squad in any college all-star contest shall be denied further intercollegiate eligibility in that sport.
Your athlete comes to you and says that they went to the Health Center or Urgent Care for an illness. They state that they are good to go. What should you do?
Have the athlete follow up with the AT staff. We need documentation from the visits that confirm that they are cleared to participate in their sport.
How do you put in to work the concession stand throughout the year?
Fundraising request form.
What social media platform(s) offer the "story" option? What is an example of cross promotion within the athletic department in social media?
Instagram & Facebook. Using another teams social media handle in a post. Ex. If @OneontaWLAX tweets "Congrats to @OneontaSoccer on making it to the NCAA tournament! #HereWeGoO

You are practicing in the Dewar Arena and the floor mat rolls are off to the side but still out in the immediate area. What do you do?

Do not start practice until entire area is safe. Always think of worst case scenarios. Put all excess equipment away or find someone who can put it away for you.
