These muscles originate from the ischial tuberosity
How long should someone wait before returning back to competition after a lightning strike?
30 min from last lightning strike
What acronym does RICE stand for?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What type of injury could a person have who is tender to palpation over their snuff box?
Scaphoid fracture
What knee injury is more prevalent in women than in men?
ACL Tear
How many carpals make up the wrist?
This document provides all the necessary information required to deal with an emergency medical situation. They are individualized by athletic venue and location.
What is an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?
When buddy taping, where should the tape be applied?
Above and below the joint
What is the most common mechanism of injury for a dislocated shoulder
externally rotated and abducted
What are 3 risk factors for a non-contact ACL tear?
Female, Notch Size, Hormonal, Q-angle, Biomechanics
What is the anatomical term for the shoulder joint
Glenohumeral joint
What is the core rectal temperature for heatstroke?
105 degrees Fahrenheit
What are 2 advantages of using an ankle brace instead of tape.
Cost, ease of use, consistency, better stability, etc.
When should a face mask be removed
Blocked airway or spinal injury or unconscious athlete
What is the most common sprained ligament in the ankle
Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL)
What is the correct anatomical term for your "funny bone"?
Ulnar Nerve
What is the fastest way to cool a person who is suffering from heat stroke?
Cold water immersion
What are two ways a coach can help to prevent athletic injuries on his team?
Teach proper technique, proper conditioning, appropriate practice scheduling (heat, length of practice, etc), working with athletic trainer
What is the FIRST rule when suspecting an athlete has a concussion
When in doubt, sit them out!
What is the correct term for shin splints?
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
This is the anatomical term for your "collarbone".
What is the clavicle?
This is a place that you can place an avulsed tooth for transport to a dentist.
Cup of Saline, whole milk, or saliva, in the mouth, or back in the tooth socket.
Which type of splint is best for a lower leg fracture
Vacuum splint
How many muscles make up the rotator cuff?
What is the term for a fracture at the base of the 5th metatarsal?
Jones Fracture