How did they preserve Cod?
They used Drying Racks
What are the names of the 3 types of First Nation People in the Atlantic region?
Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Beothuk
What are Colonies?
Colonies are settlements that are under the control of another country
What Disease did most French settlers get when Traveling to Port Royal and how?
Scurvy, Lack of Vitamin C
Who owned the Acadian's?
The French People's
What did they do to the Cod before they put them on the Drying Racks?
They Salted it
What did the First Nations Eat for Meat & Sea Food?
Sea Food, Cod, Clams, eels, Hailbut, Herring, Oysters, Salmon, Seals
Meat, Bear, Beaver, Deer, Duck, Rabbit, Moose
Why did the Europeans want to take over the Atlantic Region?
Its is because of the Natural resources the Atlantic region Contains
What is Port Royal Today?
Prince Edward Island
What does Allegiance mean?
Its means Loyalty to the Nation or Country
Where was Cod Native to?
New Found Land
What do the First Nation eat for Fruits & Vegetables?
Fruit, Strawberries, Blueberries, Plums, Juniper berries
Vegetables, Dandelions, Mint, Rice, Onions, Sunflowers
Who was Jacques Cartier?
(Bonus extra 300 points) What year did he arrive?
He was a French explorer
What was the River between IIe Sainte Croix and Port Royal?
Bay of Fundy
Where did the Acadie settle?
IIe Sainte Croix
Why did Cod Fishing Stop?
During the Winter they could not catch any Cod so they had to stop their Business
What did the Petroglyphs find in Kejimkujik National Park?
A Picture of the Europeans carved into a stone wall
What were the Boxes on Page 47 used for & what was it made of?
They were used for Storage and they were made out of Quills
Who was the mapmaker who explored in between IIe Sainte Croix and Port Royal?
Samuel de Champlain
What does Treaty mean?
A Treaty is an agreement between Countries
In the Picture on Page 46, where were the Drying Racks From?
Ferryland, New Found Land
What were the homes of the Mi'kmaq called & What were they made out of?
Wigwams, It Was made out of Tree Roots, Spruce Poles, and Birchbark
What was the Name of the Place in the Picture on Page 47?
Hailfax Harbour
What was the Name of the Island in between IIe Sainte Croix and Port royal?
"New World"
Who was the author of the painting? (On Page 49)
Azor Vienneau