A period of mass execution, supposedly to continue and preserve the Revolution
Reign of Terror
This country defied Napoleon's blockade and served up a cold dish of defeat in the winter of 1812
Term used to associate the major European countries (France, England, Russia, etc)
The Great Powers
An ambassador turned freedom fighter, he helped free Gran Colombia and Peru
Simon Bolivar
The Chancellor of Prussia tricked this country into declaring war using a reworded dispatch
The only political body that could reform France's tax system
The Estates General
The final battle fought by Napoleon against Britain and Prussia
The Battle of Waterloo
This country celebrated their independence in 1832 thanks to Russia and Britain's navies defeating the Ottomans
Once the seat of the Portuguese throne, this country gained its independence thanks to Pedro I
Appointed in 1862, this man sought to unify German by all means necessary
Otto Von Bismarck
Created by members of the Third Estate in 1789, they claimed to represent all of France
The National Assembly
A reorganization of French laws named after its writer
Code Napoleon
A philosophy promoting equality and freedom that swept across Europe
Daily Double! Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin joined forces to free Peru in 1820. What city did these two men meet up in?
Lima, Peru
The king of Sardinia and the first king of Italy
Victor Emmanuel II
A document that demanded the end of political and social abuses suffered by the French people
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Title taken by Napoleon, essentially a dictator
First Consul
French-like country that gained independence in 1831 thanks to negotiation
This French colony fought a bloody revolution and won independence for many former slaves
This nationalistic movement saw a "rising" desire to unite Italy
Risorgimento ("resurgence")
A powerful political party in France, they used the support of the lower class to promote their radical ideas
Napoleon won many victories by using new strategies and this, a better way to put together an army
Corps system
Country that fought for independence in 1848 but became part of Austria's empire
This Mexican military officer had a short lived term as Mexico's first emperor
Agustin de Itrubide
This union made trade less expensive and easier amongst German states in the 1800s