This should be included in each store visit photo.
What is a store associate?
Oversize blind price and size requirements. (Lowes)
What is $55.58 and 100"+?
The amount of time that Lowes expects a detail to be submitted.
What is 24 hours?
The amount of states Atlas Installers L.L.C. services.
What is 12?
This game show has won more Emmys than any other game show.
What is Jeopardy?
The amount of time you wait at the store to qualify for a wait fee.
What is 30 minutes?
The quantity of different High Ladder Charges. (Lowes)
What is 4? (10FT-12FT, 13FT-15FT, 16FT-18FT, 19FT+)
The two people who need to sign off on a reorder form before it is submitted.
Who are the ASM's and AIM's?
The year Atlas Installers was founded.
What is 2016?
This cereal comes in many colors but only one flavor.
What are Fruit Loops?
The amount of Lowe's stores Atlas Installers L.L.C. partners with.
What is 154.
The three labor items not included in a minimum job. (Lowes)
What is product delivery, mileage, and custom labor?
The three labor items not included in a minimum job. (Lowes)
What is product delivery, mileage, and custom labor?
First appearing in Europe in Holland, window shades, the predecessor to this which were first manufactured in New York in 1858), started appearing in American homes and public buildings around 1780.
What are roller shades?
Lowe's started out as a hardware store in this State.
What is North Carolina?
In this instance, we would get the labor for three blinds as well as one custom labor item (minimum)
What is a three on one headrail over 100 inches.
The 3 things you must do when you come across a specialty shape window.
What is make a template, bring it to the store, give directly to store associate and get their name/take a photo of where you left it if nobody is in home decor?
The first nationwide vendor that Atlas Installers L.L.C. partnered with.
Who is Empire Today?
Rollercoasters were invented to keep people from this.
What is sin?
Lowe's slogan in 2019 speaks to our goal of first-time right, that slogan was _____________.
What is, "Do it right, start at Lowe's"?
If your this paperwork is denied- you will be sent a message or called with the reason for denial. This will be pushed back to overdue paperwork and you will have 24 hours to complete for reapproval. Once you resubmit, please reach out to the AIM spoken to prior to look back over.
What is a reorder form?
This American inventor was granted the U.S. patent for the tilt mechanism in 1841. Nearly all blinds hanging today operate using this device.
Who is John Hampson