Types of Writings
Good VS Bad

What type of writing would you write based on this prompt?

The teachers in your school are planning activities for students. Write an essay for

your teacher in which you give your opinion about whether students should do

activities to improve schools. Use information from the passages in your essay.

Manage your time carefully so that you can

• read the passages;

• plan your response;

• write your response; and

• revise and edit your response.

Be sure to include

• an introduction;

• support for your opinion using information from the passages; and

• a conclusion that is related to your opinion.

Your response should be in the form of a multiparagraph essay. Write your response

in the space provided.

Opinion Essay 


How would you plan the following writing prompt?

The teachers in your school are planning activities for students. Write an essay for

your teacher in which you give your opinion about whether students should do

activities to improve schools. Use information from the passages in your essay.

Manage your time carefully so that you can

• read the passages;

• plan your response;

• write your response; and

• revise and edit your response.

Be sure to include

• an introduction;

• support for your opinion using information from the passages; and

• a conclusion that is related to your opinion.

Your response should be in the form of a multi paragraph essay. Write your response

in the space provided.







What is the structure that is being used?

"Just like our homes, schools sometimes need updating. I feel that students should be involved in activities to improve their school. Touching up paint on walls could actually be fun! Planting a garden could also teach kids how to create one at home."





This question has a two part answer:

1. What type of writing is being written?

3. Is this a good introduction?

"Just like our homes, schools sometimes need updating. I feel that students should be involved in activities to improve their school. Touching up paint on walls could actually be fun! Planting a garden could also teach kids how to create one at home."

1. Opinion

2. Hook, Opinion, Thesis

3. Yes


1. What is missing from this introduction? 

2. Can you add it? 

"I feel that students should be involved in activities to improve their school. Touching up paint on walls could actually be fun! Planting a garden could also teach kids how to create one at home."

1. The hook

2. Answers may vary


What type of writing would you write based on this prompt?

The author of "Living Off the Earth" states that "The knowledge and creativity of the early Native Americans show it is possible to live and depend solely on what nature offers." Write an essay explaining how the author supports this claim throughout the passage. Use evidence from the passage to support your answer.

Explanatory/ Informational Essay


What type of planning would you do for this prompt? 

The author of "Living Off the Earth" states that "The knowledge and creativity of the early Native Americans show it is possible to live and depend solely on what nature offers." Write an essay explaining how the author supports this claim throughout the passage. Use evidence from the passage to support your answer.







What is the structure that is being used?

"First of all, I can't imagine living without shelter and clothing if there are no stores to buy those things? Native Americans figured out how to build a home to last a long time. They used mud, stones and wood that they found in the area. If you travel a lot then some Native Americans built a home that could move with them. They called them tipis and they were easy to take down and move on a travois. That is how the Native Americans made their own shelter."

Body paragraph


Topic Sentence


Concluding Sentence 


This question has a two part answer:

1. What type of writing is being written?

3. Is this a good main idea paragraph? 

"They moved tipis with travois. The horse pulls it. Native American made rope and cord to sew and to fish. They made long rope and twisted it together. They use plants as medicine. They use cactus to drink the water inside when they got thirsty. This is how the Native American live off nature by using different stuff."

1. Explanatory/ Informational

2. No


1. What is missing from this introduction? 

2. Can you add it? 

"They moved tipis with travois. The horse pulls it. Native American made rope and cord to sew and to fish. They made long rope and twisted it together. They use plants as medicine. They use cactus to drink the water inside when they got thirsty. This is how the Native American live off nature by using different stuff."

1. A transition and a topic sentence

2. Answers May Vary 


What type of writing would you write based on this prompt?

Look at the picture of the dog. Imagine an adventure this dog could have in a park. Think about what could happen on the dog's adventure. 

Write a story for your teacher about the dog's adventure in a park. Make sure your story has a beginning, middle, and end. 

Narrative Story 


What type of planning would you do for this prompt? 

Look at the picture of the dog. Imagine an adventure this dog could have in a park. Think about what could happen on the dog's adventure. 

Write a story for your teacher about the dog's adventure in a park. Make sure your story has a beginning, middle, and end. 

Beginning - introduce characters 

Middle- plot (problem) and suspense

End- solution

Conclusion- reflection 


What is the structure that is being used?

"This will always be stuck in my head, I will never forget this moment. I am super happy because my dog was happy. Apparently we can share feelings! I decided to go play catch with my dog anytime."

Conclusion with reflection


This question has a two part answer:

1. What type of writing is being written?

3. Is this a good conclusion paragraph? 

"This will always be stuck in my head, I will never forget this moment. I am super happy because my dog was happy. Apparently we can share feelings! I decided to go play catch with my dog anytime."

1. Narrative Story

2. Yes


1. What is missing from this conclusion? 

2. Can you fix it?

"It was Very windy  My dad was not happy with me because i did not help Clean up when it was time for us to go home win we got home we let are dogs go potty then we unpacked and pout everthing up . then we put the food in the frige .That is when i went camping ."

1. Punctuation is missing, Spelling, No reflection or memory shared

2. Answers May Vary 


What type of writing would you write based on this prompt?

Imagine that Benny found a whole dinosaur skeleton, not just his own tooth. Rewrite the ending to the story to show what happens when Benny finds a whole dinosaur skeleton. Use details from the story in your response. 

You will be scored on how well you stay on topic, organize your writing, and use punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure. 

Narrative Story


What type of planning would you do for this prompt?

Imagine that Benny found a whole dinosaur skeleton, not just his own tooth. Rewrite the ending to the story to show what happens when Benny finds a whole dinosaur skeleton. Use details from the story in your response. 

You will be scored on how well you stay on topic, organize your writing, and use punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure. 

Beginning - introduce characters 

Middle- plot (problem) and suspense

End- solution

Conclusion- reflection 


What is the structure that is being used?

"Digging for dinosaurs was hot work. Benny sat back on his heels and took a long drink from his water bottle. At first, when Mom and Dad had told him they were going on a dinosaur dig for vacation, he’d been excited. He’d bragged to his friends that he’d find the skeleton of a never-before-discovered dinosaur. The Benosaurus, they’d probably name it."

Entertaining Beginning 

Introduce the characters, and setting


This question has a two part answer:

1. What type of writing is being written?

3. Is this a good introduction paragraph? Why or why not

"Digging for dinosaurs was hot work. Benny sat back on his heels and took a long drink from his water bottle. At first, when Mom and Dad had told him they were going on a dinosaur dig for vacation, he’d been excited. He’d bragged to his friends that he’d find the skeleton of a never-before-discovered dinosaur. The Benosaurus, they’d probably name it."

1. Narrative 

2. Yes, because...


1. What is missing from this introduction? 

2. Can you fix it?

"Digging for dinosaurs was hot work. Benny sat back on his heels and took a long drink from his water bottle.  He’d bragged to his friends that he’d find the skeleton of a never-before-discovered dinosaur. The Benosaurus, they’d probably name it."

1. The setting, where the character was going

2. Answers may vary 


What type of writing would you write based on this prompt?

You are going to write an essay to explain the advantages of sports, movies, and music to a person’s life.  Think about why people should participate in sports/ watch movies/listen to music and how sports/ movies/ music benefits people. Here are some questions to help you think about your essay and plan it:  

  • Why are sports/movies/music important?  

  • Do you play sports/ watch movies/ listen to music? Why or why not?    

  • How can people fit sports/ movies/ music into a busy schedule? 

Now, write an essay in which you explain why people should play sports/ watch movies/ listen to music regularly. Be sure to include reasons or details that help your reader understand the benefits people gain from sports/movies/music. 

Explanatory/ Informational 


What type of planning would you do for this prompt? 

You are going to write an essay to explain the advantages of sports, movies, and music to a person’s life.  Think about why people should participate in sports/ watch movies/listen to music and how sports/ movies/ music benefits people. Here are some questions to help you think about your essay and plan it:  

  • Why are sports/movies/music important?  

  • Do you play sports/ watch movies/ listen to music? Why or why not?    

  • How can people fit sports/ movies/ music into a busy schedule? 

Now, write an essay in which you explain why people should play sports/ watch movies/ listen to music regularly. Be sure to include reasons or details that help your reader understand the benefits people gain from sports/movies/music. 







What is the structure that is being used?

"Did you think that music was just for entertaining and listening to? Actually it can do a lot more than just entertain. It has benefits, it can help with your education, and it can help you mentally and physically."


1. Hook

2. Fact

3. Thesis 


This question has a two part answer:

1. What type of writing is being written?

2. Is this a good introduction paragraph? Why or why not?

"Did you think that music was just for entertaining and listening to? Actually it can do a lot more than just entertain. It has benefits, it can help with your education, and it can help you mentally and physically."

1.Explanatory/ Informational

2. Yes! 


1. What is missing from this introduction? 

2. Can you fix it?

"Did you think that music was just for entertaining and listening to? Actually it can do a lot more than just entertain. "

1. A thesis 

2. Answers may Vary
