History of Search
Queries & Operators
Indexes & Field Mappings
Analyzers, Tokenizers, & Filters

The first TSE to create ramping material for the original batch of "Atlas Search Rangers". Dubbed the TSE "Search OG", his name is legendary within the hallowed MongoDB hallways.

Who is Harshad Dhavale?


This common operator for searching on string-based terms is literally what its name says.

What is the text operator?


The name given to a search index when not configured with one.

What is default?


The index analyzer used when you don't specify one.

What is Lucene Standard (or standard)?


This Manager and master of GIFs is the assigned lead for Atlas Search and Vector Search for the cloud team.

Who is Brian Stinga?


This company's libraries/API were chosen as the underlying framework for Atlas Search.

What is Lucene?


This operator, used to combine other operators to construct more complex queries, would also be found in a chemistry lab.

What is the compound operator?


This type of mapping tells Atlas Search that you'd like to take over defining the field mapping rather than letting it take its best guess.

What is a static mapping?


The analyzer used when you want to divide text into searchable terms wherever the character typed by the long bar at the bottom of the keyboard is found.

What is the whitespace analyzer?


This type of search refers to making allowances for spelling mistakes; or "Mr. Zoeller" if you enjoy watching golf tournament re-runs from the 80s & 90s.

What is a fuzzy search?


These additional, Search-specific cloud compute resources weren't added to the Atlas Search architecture until 2023.

What are Dedicated Search Nodes?


This crazy operator is most effectively used when the field it's searching on has been indexed with the keyword analyzer.

What is the wildcard operator?


Mapping a field as any one of these three types will allow grouping of the field and access to the metadata generated from this.

What is the [dateFacet|numberFacet|stringFacet] field?


This analyzer, which indexes a field as a single term and leaves it in its original case, is often best paired with a $search that uses a wildcard operator.

What is the keyword analyzer?


These language-dependent symbols of all shapes and types help determine how a letter should be pronounced, and might sound like something you'd yell at reviewers who gave your movie only 1 star on IMDB.

What are diacritics? (diacritial marks)


This was the actual year (not fiscal) that development commenced on Atlas Search (bonus pt if you name the quarter).

What is 2019? (Q1)


Searching for matches on a date type field that fall between two dates is best done with this operator.

What is the range operator?


Configuring these performance-enhancing field types in an index allows their values to be saved with the mongot process so they don't have to be looked up on disk or in cache when results are returned to mongod.

What are stored source fields?


These type of mappings can be defined in addition to field mappings in order to similar search results for words that are very close or identical in meaning.

What are synonym mappings?


This Toronto-based Mgr is known for his calm demeanor, grace under pressure and Street Fighter game skills.

Who is Rashid Habib?


He headed up the initial development of the Lucene-based Atlas Search offering. (Dinosaurs would NOT approve)

Who is Doug Tarr?


This $search option allows search terms to be returned in their original context, as they appear in the returned documents. NFL Films would definitely employ this in its productions.

What is the highlight option?


Strings are required to be indexed as this field type if they are going to be used for any sorting by the natice $search-based sort operator.

What is the token type?


This token filter, popularly used with the autocomplete operator, tokenizes input from the left side of text input into n-grams of configured sizes.

What is the edgeGram tokenfilter?

He was the first MAAP Ranger to complete 100% of the training.

Who is Daniel Edwin?
