Rockin' Out
Weird Critters
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A rock that makes the bluffs of the Ozarks and was once a gas in the atmosphere.  It is a component of cement and is very dense.

What is limestone?


This weird critter hides itself by appearing to be the branch of a bush or tree.  It is an insect, a group which accounts for several weird critters.

What is a Walking Stick?


The smallest of the major planets.  It is a terrestrial planet with a weird day that takes 2 years on the planet to complete.  It has no moons or atmosphere and orbits the closest to the sun.

What is Mercury?


America's first national park.  Home to grizzly bears, wolves, and bison.  Lots of visitors visit this place and take photos of the wildlife.  Some live to tell the tale.  You could view the geyser Old Faithful in this place.

What is Yellowstone Park?


Two versions are photovoltaic cells and CSP.  PVs use panels, either on rooftops or in ground-mounted farms, converting sunlight directly into electric power. CSP use mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight to extreme heat to make steam, which is converted into electricity by a turbine. 

What is solar energy?


It is the last name of a cartoon character named Fred who had a friend named Barney.  Arkansas has a pretty good supply of these rocks that were used as arrowheads by native peoples and can be used to start fires by striking them against each other.

What is flintstone?


This weird critter lives in the land "down under".  It is a mammal with a bill.  It lays eggs.  Maybe the weirdest feature is a venomous spur found on its hind feet.

What is a Duckbill Platypus?


The largest of the terrestrial planets.  It is also known as the blue planet.  It has lots of water and an atmosphere.  It has one moon that some call Luna.

What is Earth?


If you were here you could take home the gemstone that you found.  These may be yellow, brown, or white. They arise from an ancient, dormant lava tube.  Some are quite valuable like the $250,000 Esperanza diamond. 

What is Crater of Diamonds in Murfreesboro, Arkansas?


Supplies one sixth of the world's electricity which is more than all other renewable sources combined. It can provide large amounts of low-carbon electricity on demand. A power station that has a dam and reservoir is a flexible source, since the amount of electricity produced can be increased or decreased in seconds or minutes.

What is hydroelectric?


This stone is made of particles of silica.  It normally is flat from pressure applied while it formed.  When broken by ocean waves it makes a beach that could be brown, tan, or white.

What is Sandstone?


This weird critter lives in the Amazon river.  Many weird critters live in the Amazon, but this one is really strange.  It can use self-generated electricity to stun its prey or navigate muddy waters.  It has a 3 letter second name that is comprised of 2 vowels, while the first name relates to its special ability.

What is an electric eel?


It has a moon named Mimas that was a pattern for the Death Star in the Star Wars movies as they are quite similar.  Its moon Titan is the only moon in the solar system with an atmosphere.  The planet known best for its ring system.  

What is Saturn?


The "City by the bay".  Home to Google, Pier 39, and the Golden Gate Bridge.  Alcatraz once housed prisoners as it sits on an island offshore.

What is San Fransisco?


Fission was used by J. Robert Oppenheimer to build bombs.  However, it can also be used to create energy this way like in Russellville and Newark, Arkansas.

What is nuclear?


Once the most popular gemstone.  It can be found in the Appalachian Mountains.  It is colored green by the minerals in the ground chromium and vanadium.

What is an emerald?


A flying mouse.  This mammal is particularly weird in that it can fly and doesn't see well.  Most use echolocation to feed on insects but this one prefers the life fluid of mammals.  It uses its sharp teeth to cut flesh and drinks from the wound.

What is a Vampire Bat?


This planet is the hottest on the surface.  It is over 500 degrees F daily.  It has molten lava that pours onto its surface and clouds that drop sulfuric acid as rain.  Its surface appearance was patterned by scenes in Lord of the Rings.  It is named for the Roman goddess of love.  It is cloud covered and rotates very slowly on its axis.  It has no moons.

What is Venus?


The "Windy City" as known by some.  It is home to White Sox, Bears, Bulls and Cubs.  Picasso's work can be seen here.  A breezy walk on the beach along Lake Michigan is also possible.

What is Chicago, Illinois?


Geothermal is an alternative energy where hot magma is used to create electricity by temperature difference. It combines energy from the formation of the planet and from radioactive decay.  If it isn't used this way it can cause a catastrophe by erupting from this.

What is a volcano?


Uncle Sam, Hope, and Esperanza are valuable versions of this stone.  The hardest of all rocks that occur naturally.  It is mined commercially in Africa and some can be found in Arkansas.  It is valued by its cut, carat, and clarity.

What is a diamond?


Often dubbed the unicorns of the sea.  Strange and beautiful whales with long tusks protruding from their heads.  The tusk—most commonly found on males—is actually an enlarged tooth with sensory capability.  The spiraled tusk juts from the head and can grow as long at 10 feet. 

What is a narwhal?


This planet has 4 large moons named Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.  It has a massive hurricane named The Great Red spot that Earth would sit inside of easily.  It has strong winds and is the largest of the gas planets also known as Jovian planets.

What is Jupiter?


You are standing at Mather Point on the south rim of the Grand Canyon.  This state is mostly high plains with a very arid climate.  Elevation drops drastically from the north where you can see a Ponderosa Pine, in cool temperatures, to the south where you will find Saguaro cactus, in hot temperatures.

What is Arizona?


Possibly the best alternative.  Using a low carbon source that is plentiful on planet Earth and other members of the solar system.  It is also known as Methane.  Saturn's moon Titan has an entire atmosphere of this gas.

What is natural gas?
