The lowest layer of the atmosphere is
The gases that comprise the atmosphere are
What is Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Trace Elements
This is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere.
What is the thermosphere?
This is the process in which gases hold heat in Earth's atmosphere
greenhouse effect
This is the condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place
true or false: Atmosphere is not responsible for life on the Earth.
Altitude is
distance above sea level
True or False- The Albedo Effect states that dark colored objects will absorb radiation faster and emit radiation slower than light colored objects.
This is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
What is nitrogen?
the hottest layer of the atmosphere
Meteors burn in this layer _____
A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet LIKE Earth
This is the third, or middle layer, of the Earth's atmosphere.
What is the mesosphere
Light colored objects absorb radiation slower and emit radiation faster than dark colored objects, this is called the-
What is the albedo effect.
the layer where weather is found
The jet planes fly in the lower ______
The layer of the atmosphere in which temperature increases as altitude increases; contains the ozone layer.
the type of radiation that the sun gives off.
ultraviolet radiation
If you feel the heat in the handle of a cooking pot, that heat was transferred to the handle by:
What is Conduction.
What is the name of the international agreement committing parties to phasing out ozone depleting substances and phasing out hydrofluorocarbons?
What is the Montreal Protocol
Air pressure is measured using this device.
The uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increase; includes the ionosphere.
This gas is essential for plants to produce food. It makes up less than 1% of our atmosphere.
carbon dioxide
This is what we call the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
gas in the atmosphere that varies from place to place Hint: the higher you go the less of it is available