Mom has given you $20 to put into your account. You have another $20 in your bank account. How much do you have total?
What color is a road work sign?
It must be done for 20 seconds.
Washing hands
Are you deserving of love and respect?
How do you make fruit punch?
Give it a boxing lesson.
2 quarters and 2 pennies
27 cents
What side of the steering wheel is your windshield wipers switch on?
Showering should done...
Feeling good in your own skin is an example of...
High Self Esteem
What do you call a pig that does karate?
A pork chop.
You go to the student store to buy a bag of chips for $1 and a candy bar for $1.75. How much do you owe?
At an intersection, you and the driver to your right arrive at the same time. Who goes first?
The driver to your right
You rub it into your armpits especially when you sweat
Focusing on the positives will build self-esteem.
What do call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef
One $5 bill, one quarter, two dimes and three pennies
To pass another vehicle, the yellow line should be...
How often should you change and wash your bed sheets?
Once a week
What we think, what we feel, what we believe about ourselves
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
You have $20 and buy a t-shirt for $5 and socks for $2.50. How much should you be getting back?
How many days after moving should you notify the DMV?
Wiping down chrome books needs to be done...
Positive statements can help you overcome negative thoughts.
What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?