Alphabetically, it’s the first of the five Great Lakes.
Lake Erie
He was the first Postmaster General of the United States, and served as governor of Pennsylvania from 1785 to 1788.
Benjamin Franklin
The streetlights in Hershey, Pennsylvania are shaped like this bite of chocolate, popular since 1907.
The American Film Institute’s top two American screen legends both co-starred in the 1951 film, The African Queen.
Katharine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart
On the final episode of this sit com, Felix moved out to remarry Gloria.
The Odd Couple
Alphabetically, it’s the first US state.
This was Paul Revere’s day job.
“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.” Which of these related candy bars has the nut, and which doesn’t?
Almond Joys (have nuts); Mounds don’t.
These three brothers all shared the number twenty spot on the AFI list of screen legends. Two of their films, Duck Soup and A Night at the Opera are in the AFI’s list of top 15 comedy films of all time.
Chico, Harpo, and Groucho Marx
He divorced Debby Reynolds to marry Elizabeth Taylor.
Eddie Fisher
Alphabetically, it’s the first country in South America.
Finish this famous Patrick Henry speech: " I know not what course others may take; but as for me, ____________________.”
“…give me liberty or give me death.”
The triangular shape of this Swiss chocolate bar was inspired by the Matterhorn.
Few people would be surprised that actor number twelve on the AFI screen legend list once said that To Kill A Mockingbird was his favorite film “without any question.”
Gregory Peck
He married “America’s Sweetheart,” Mary Pickford.
Douglas Fairbanks
Alphabetically, it’s the first continent.
Roughly a dozen famous 18th and 19th century Americans were involved in duels, including this first Secretary of the Treasury.
Alexander Hamilton. Other duelers include Andrew Jackson, Thomas Hart Benton, Henry Clay, and even Abraham Lincoln was once challenged to a duel.
This chewy confection made from egg whites, sugar syrup, and almond paste is found in Snickers and Milky Way.
Number twenty-three on the list of legendary actresses was married to the number seven actor, Clark Gable, when she was killed in an airplane accident.
Carole Lombard
This Hollywood heartthrob met his wife during the production of Picnic and married her in 1958. They starred in eleven films together, including The Long, Hot Summer and Mr. and Mrs. Bridge.
Paul Newman, who was married to Joanne Woodward for fifty years
Alphabetically, it’s the first Canadian province.
At age 13, this Tennessean joined the Revolutionary War, was imprisoned by the British, and nearly died of hunger and smallpox. Nearly 50 years later, he became the 7th US president (1829).
Andrew Jackson
The alliterative name of this candy bar is also the name of the nightclub where Caberet is set.
Kit Kat
One of the most controversial actresses of the early 20th century, number fifteen on the screen legend list once quipped, “I believe in censorship. I made a fortune out of it."
Mae West
In which Broadway musical do you hear the lyrics “… I’m getting married in the morning? Ding-dong the bells are going to chime.”
My Fair Lady