Minnesota's Senator Klobuchar
A somewhat formal word for a bedroom, or the area of a firearm that holds the ammunition
a chamber
The idea for this holiday is attributed to Peter J. McGuire, a New York carpenter and union leader.
Labor Day
This 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery tells the story of the title character Anne, who is an 11-year-old orphan adopted to help work on a farm in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Anne of Green Gables
This book part is a synonym for backbone
Davis Cup U.S. team captain from 1981 to 1985 Mr. Ashe
The border between East & West Germany featured Alpha & Bravo these as well as a more famous one
Take your pick: which event occurs on a holiday – the Tournament of Roses Parade or the Run for the Roses?
The Tournament of Roses Parade - occurs in Los Angeles on New Year’s Day.
(The Run for the Roses is a term used for the Kentucky Derby, which is not run on a holiday.)
This Texas city was originally called Oneida, but later changed its name to this – probably because of the yellow wildflowers that were plentiful in the spring and summer, as well as the yellow soil found beside the local lakes.
Amarillo (Spanish for yellow)
It can be an angry look or a harsh light
a glare
Come on, Vogue!
Ms. Wintour
On her marriage to Prince Albert in 1840, Queen Victoria received a 1,250-pound wheel of this cheese as a wedding gift
Shrove Tuesday occurs the day before Lent starts. What is the name for Shrove Tuesday that originated in New Orleans but is now recognized worldwide?
Mardi Gras (literally, “Fat Tuesday”; Mardi is Tuesday in French.)
The flag of El Salvador and the flag of Israel both have only these two colors.
White and blue
This synonym for "oceanic" can also be a member of the armed forces
Ms. de Mille
Rather than presidents, many universities have these top officials
The ten Jewish days of penitence begin and end on these two Jewish high holidays.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
One of Duke Ellington’s biggest hits is a song entitled “Mood …”.
A stain on one's character can be this, also beginning with "st"
a stigma
"Cities of the Interior" author
Ms. Nin
A veil or facescreen called a yashmak is often worn in public with this full-length garment for Muslim women
a chador
Of the ten official US holidays, this one represents the oldest historical event.
Christmas Day
When you think about it, it makes sense that the Cincinnati Bengals’ team colors are black, white, and this third color.
This 6-letter synonym for "whirlpool" comes from Latin for "whirlpool"
a vortex