parent-infant attachment
Nurse Practitioner's role
Attachment constructs
Maternal Responsiveness
The Attachment Tool

What parent-infant attachment must take place to foster optimal growth and development of infants?

What is Positive


In the "Reflecting" video, why is it important for FNP's to understand attachment and strategies to help parents?

What is, to help parents understand that having a successful attachment and trusting relationship with their baby can help them be more successful in their school and futures, build healthy relationships, and more productive lives. 

What are the three basic needs?

What is, mothers and babies thrive on quality relationships, mothers and babies need to be in close proximity and in physical contact, mothers need to respond to their babies


The FNP is to guide new mothers to ___ and___ to their babies?

What is, Read and Respond


What does the acronym ARMSS stand for?

What is: Autonomic, Reflexes, Motor, State, and Social. These are the organizational systems of a Newborn. 


What does the first NP in the "reflecting" video have her new mothers do when coming in for there first visit with infant?

what is demonstrate breastfeeding

What risk factors should the NP beware of in relation to parent-infant attachment?

What is, extreme stress, health risk factors, and illness.


Successful babies are defined as?

What is, being able to attach in order to thrive and learn


Do all new mothers have motherly instincts? 

What is, NO (listen to the mother and guide them)


What is the highest level of the Behavioral Organization Hierarchy?

what is, Social

What does the 2nd NP observe from her example of attachment in parents and infants?
What is, early attachment was shown by dad & mom, and 9 month old baby were happy, interacting together, and showed the baby was able to interact with others.

Who wrote the nursing research on "mother readiness"?

who is, Rubin


What are the relationship paradigms?

what is, Building positive relationships, and modeling for new mothers with their babies.

What tool can help mothers' interpret their baby's behavior?

What is, The Brazelton Scale


What are the 6 Behavioral states?

What are: Deep sleep, light sleep, drowsy, quiet alert, active alert, and crying.


What are the benefits in attachment for the baby?

What is, the ability of the baby to thrive and learn


Attachment research on "secure attachment" was written by?

who is, Bowlby and Ainsworth


What are the three goals for the FNP and the new mother?

What are: Leveling the playing field, listening sensitively, and collaborating and sharing. 


What two tools were combined to make "The New Attachment Tool"?

What are: Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) and the Behavioral Assessment of the Newborn Educational Tool (BONET).


What are the seven steps to console a crying baby?

what are: Face alone, face and voice, hand on belly, hand on arms and belly, holding/rocking, swaddling, pacifying (placing hand near mouth; pacifier)


What are signs of attachment in baby's given by example in the "reflecting" video. 

What is, eye contact, facial expression, consolable, and interaction between mom/dad. 


How should the nurse practitioner convey the education to the new mothers?

what is, to be a coach, to collaborate with the mother. 


What are some examples of closeness and proximity strategies?

what are: rooming in, skin-to-skin contact, and bath demonstrations encourage closeness.


What four things did the New Tool need to be?

What are: Tangible, Supportive, Evidence based, and scalable. 

How should we as an FNP change our language in teaching new mothers?

what is: how we teach is more important than what we teach new mothers
