What is the critical period and how long is it?
child must form an attachment in a critical period - the first 2 ½ years. If a child experiences separations/deprived of emotional care of the mother during the critical period, then psychological damage occurs.
Name the neutral stimulus (before conditioning).
The caregiver
What type of study is the strange situation?
Controlled Observation
What role does the father fulfil in attachment?
He's a playmate, his role is more fun and exciting for the child
What does Monotropy mean?
continuous presence of care from a mother or mother substitute is essential for normal psychological development.
Explain positive reinforcement in relation to attachment
Baby's action creates a desired response from the caregiver e.g. food/comfort - the action is positively reinforced
What was the final stage of the strange situation testing for?
Reunion Behaviour
What other object did Lorenz found his geese imprinted on?
Washing up glove
Describe the Internal Working Model
Internal working model is a mental representation of our relationship with our primary caregiver that becomes a template for future relationships
An innate, biological motivator e.g. hunger
Name the fourth stage of the Ainsworth Study
Caregiver returns and the stranger leaves
When is the asocial stage of attachment?
Birth-8 weeks
Who did Bowlby research and what did he find?
44 teenage thieves. prolonged early separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy.
What did Dollard and Miller (1950) call the learning theory of attachment?
Cupboard Love Theory
AO3: What was another attachment style founded by Main and Solomon?
Type D (Disorganised Attachment)
Describe the difference between precocial and altricial
Precocial animals are born mature and mobile. Altricial animals require extensive care after birth.
Describe one problem to do with Bowlby's research into Monotropy
Retrospective recall may be inaccurate .... Only correlational... Investigator effects
What type of reinforcer is food?
Food is a primary reinforcer. The caregiver is associated with food and becomes a secondary reinforcer.
Describe an insecure avoidant attachment
no obvious sign of distress during the separation episodes and show avoidance of proximity upon the parent's reunion. They don't seek contact upon the mothers' return.
What was the critical period for Harlow's monkeys?
90 days